nest of sieves

nest of sieves
набор [комплект] сит

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nest of sieves" в других словарях:

  • Gradation test — A gradation test, or sieve analysis, is a commonly used procedure in civil engineering that measures the size distribution, or gradation, of an aggregate, such as sand, crushed rock, or clay. A gradation test is performed on a sample of aggregate …   Wikipedia

  • List of Emily Dickinson poems — This is a list of Emily Dickinson poems. There are 1,775 known poems that have been written by Dickinson. The poems are alphabetized by their first line. Punctuation, capitalization and even in some cases wording of the first lines may vary… …   Wikipedia

  • Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics       Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity.       Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… …   Universalium

  • Northern Shoveler — Male Female …   Wikipedia

  • bivalve — bivalvular /buy val vyeuh leuhr/, adj. /buy valv /, n. 1. Also called lamellibranch. Zool. any mollusk, as the oyster, clam, scallop, or mussel, of the class Bivalvia, having two shells hinged together, a soft body, and lamellate gills. adj. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Anthracite — (Greek Ανθρακίτης, literally a type of coal , from Anthrax [Άνθραξ] , coal) is a hard, compact variety of mineral coal that has a high lustre. It has the highest carbon count and contains the fewest impurities of all coals, despite its lower… …   Wikipedia

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