nerve — 1 noun 1 FEELINGS nerves (plural) the feeling of being nervous because you are worried or a little frightened: “What s wrong?” “It s just nerves. He s got his exams tomorrow.” | be a bundle/bag of nerves informal (=be extremely worrid or… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
strain — Synonyms and related words: Spenserian stanza, abrade, affectation, affiliation, agitation, aim, air, all overs, anacrusis, ancestry, angst, animal kingdom, animus, antistrophe, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious… … Moby Thesaurus
strain every nerve — If you strain every nerve, you make a great effort to achieve something … The small dictionary of idiomes
strain — strain1 [strān] vt. [ME streinen < OFr estraindre, to strain, wring hard < L stringere, to draw tight: see STRICT] 1. to draw or stretch tight 2. to exert, use, or tax to the utmost [to strain every nerve] 3. to overtax; injure by… … English World dictionary
strain every nerve (to do something) — strain every ˈnerve/ˈsinew (to do sth) idiom (formal) to try as hard as you can to do sth • He strained every nerve to snatch victory from defeat. Main entry: ↑strainidiom … Useful english dictionary
nerve — [nʉrv] n. [ME nerfe < OFr nerf < L nervus, sinew, nerve, string < IE base * (s)nēu , to twist, wind > Gr neuron, tendon, nerve, OE sneowan, to hurry] 1. a sinew or tendon: now only in the phr. strain every nerve, to try as hard as… … English World dictionary
strain every sinew (to do something) — strain every ˈnerve/ˈsinew (to do sth) idiom (formal) to try as hard as you can to do sth • He strained every nerve to snatch victory from defeat. Main entry: ↑strainidiom … Useful english dictionary
strain — strain1 [streın] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(worry)¦ 2¦(difficulty)¦ 3¦(force)¦ 4¦(injury)¦ 5¦(plant/animal)¦ 6¦(quality)¦ 7¦(way of saying something)¦ 8 strains of something ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Sense: 1 4; Date: 1500 1600; Origin … Dictionary of contemporary English
nerve — noun 1 in the body ADJECTIVE ▪ pinched (AmE), trapped (BrE) ▪ sensitive ▪ damaged ▪ facial, optic, sciatic … Collocations dictionary
Nerve guidance conduit — A nerve guidance conduit (also referred to as an artificial nerve conduit or artificial nerve graft, as opposed to an autograft) is an artificial means of guiding axonal regrowth to facilitate nerve regeneration and is one of several clinical… … Wikipedia
strain — 1 noun 1 WORRY (C, U) worry caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time: The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us. | put a strain on sb/sth: Nick s frequent trips were putting a strain on their… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English