- nepman
- (русское) (историческое) нэпман
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nepman — ˈnepmən, ˌman noun (plural nepmen) Etymology: Russian, from nep New Economic Policy (from Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika New Economic Policy) + man (probably … Useful english dictionary
nepman — /nep meuhn/, n., pl. nepmen. (in the Soviet Union) a person who engaged briefly in private enterprise during the New Economic Policy of the 1920 s. [ < Russ népman, equiv. to nep, acronym from Nóvaya ekonomícheskaya polítika NEW ECONOMIC POLICY + … Universalium
NEPman — The NEPmen were businessmen and women in the young Soviet Union who took advantage of the opportunities for private trade and small scale manufacturing created by the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP was a response to revolts against meager… … Wikipedia
nepman — nep·man … English syllables
nepman — <rus. НЭП – новая экономическая политика (yeni iqtisadi siyasət) və alm. Mann – adam> tar. Yeni iqtisadi siyasət dövründə meydana gəlmiş sahibkar, alverçi … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
NEP-man — nepman, NEP man see P. (as main entry) … Useful english dictionary
N.E.P. — N.E.P. Dans l’histoire de l’Union soviétique, la N.E.P. (Nouvelle Politique économique; en russe, Novaja Ekonomi face= EU Caron カeskaja Politika ) représente un épisode particulier, celui où les bolcheviks semblent tourner le dos à la révolution… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Les Aventures d'Octobrine — Pohoždenija Oktjabriny Comédie de Grigori Kozintsev et Leonid Trauberg, avec Z. Tarjouskaïa (Octobrine), S. Martinson (Coolidge Curzonovitch Poincaré), E. Koumelko (le Nepman). Photographie: F. Verigo Darovski, Ivan Frolov Production:… … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
Komsomol — For other uses, see Komsomol (disambiguation). All Union Leninist Young Communist League Всесоюзный Ленинский Коммунистический Союз Молодёжи Founded … Wikipedia
Nina Lugovskaya — Nina Sergeyevna Lugovskaya, in Russian Нина Сергеевна Луговская (25.12.1918, Moscow 27.12.1993, Vladimir), was a Russian painter and theatre designer in addition to being a survivor of the GULAG. During Joseph Stalin s Great Purge, a teenaged… … Wikipedia
Neue Ökonomische Politik — Die Neue Ökonomische Politik (Abk. NEP; russisch НЭП Новая экономическая политика, NEP Nowaja ekonomitscheskaja politika) war ein wirtschaftspolitisches Konzept in der Sowjetunion, das Lenin und Trotzki 1921 gegen erheblichen Widerstand in… … Deutsch Wikipedia