Смотреть что такое "nephelinite" в других словарях:
Nephelinite — lava (grey) containing a xenolith of peridotite (yellow), Kaiserstuhl, Germany. Nephelinite is a fine grained or aphanitic igneous rock made up almost entirely of nepheline and clinopyroxene (variety augite). If olivine is present, the rock may… … Wikipedia
néphélinite — ● néphélinite nom féminin Lave riche en néphéline … Encyclopédie Universelle
nephelinite — [nef′ə lin īt΄] n. [< NEPHELINE + ITE1] a grayish, fine grained or porphyritic igneous rock composed mainly of nepheline and pyroxene … English World dictionary
nephelinite — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: circa 1863 a silica deficient igneous rock having nepheline as the predominant mineral • nephelinitic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
nephelinite — nephelinitic /nef euh leuh nit ik/, adj. /nef euh leuh nuyt /, n. Petrog. a fine grained, dark rock of volcanic origin, essentially a basalt containing nepheline but no feldspar and little or no olivine. [1860 65; NEPHELINE + ITE1] * * * ▪ lava… … Universalium
nephelinite — noun a dark, finely crystalline rock of volcanic origin, being a mixture of nepheline and pyroxene … Wiktionary
nephelinite — neph·e·lin·ite … English syllables
nephelinite — neph•e•lin•ite [[t]ˈnɛf ə ləˌnaɪt[/t]] n. a fine grained, dark rock of volcanic origin, essentially a basalt containing nepheline but no feldspar and little or no olivine • Etymology: 1860–65 neph e•li•nit′ic ˈnɪt ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
nephelinite — /ˈnɛfələnaɪt/ (say nefuhluhnuyt) noun a fine grained, dark rock of volcanic origin, essentially a basalt containing nepheline but no felspar and little or no olivine. {nephelin(e) + ite1} …
nephelinite — noun an igneous rock consisting of nepheline and pyroxene • Hypernyms: ↑mineral • Substance Meronyms: ↑nepheline, ↑nephelite, ↑pyroxene … Useful english dictionary
Geology of Tasmania — Tasmania has a varied geological history, with the world s biggest exposure of diabase, or dolerite. Rocks from the Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic time periods appear. It is one of the few southern hemisphere areas glaciated during the… … Wikipedia