- nelly
- ˈnelɪ сущ. исполинский буревестник n исполинский буревестник nelly исполинский буревестник
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Nelly — ist ein weiblicher Vorname. Vereinzelt kommt er auch als männlicher Spitzname vor. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Herkunft 2 Varianten 3 Namensträger 3.1 Als Künstlername … Deutsch Wikipedia
nelly — ► NOUN (pl. nellies) informal 1) a silly person. 2) derogatory an effeminate homosexual man. ● not on your nelly Cf. ↑not on your nelly ORIGIN from the given name Nelly … English terms dictionary
Nelly — fem. proper name, also Nellie, dim. of Nell, a pet form of ELLEN (Cf. Ellen), HELEN (Cf. Helen), or ELEANOR (Cf. Eleanor). Meaning weak spirited person is first attested 1961 … Etymology dictionary
Nelly — This article is about the rapper. For other uses, see Nelly (disambiguation). Nelly … Wikipedia
Nelly — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Нелли (значения). Nelly Основная инфо … Википедия
Nelly — Para otros usos de este término, véase Nell. Nelly Datos generales Nacimiento 2 de noviembre de 1974 … Wikipedia Español
Nelly's — Elli Souyioultzoglou Seraïdari (Greek: Έλλη Σουγιουλτζόγλου Σεραϊδάρη) b.1899 d.1998 (better known as Nelly s) is one the most celebrated Greek photographers of all time, and during the interwar period became one of the world s most celebrated… … Wikipedia
Nelly — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Prénom Nelly est un prénom féminin, d origine celtique ou germanique, dérivé de Hélène, du grec « hélê » (éclat du soleil). C est également un… … Wikipédia en Français
nelly — a homosexual Either male or female, although a nelly fag is male A nelly is a weak spirited or silly person (SOED). The derivation might just owe something to the expression not on your nelly (rhyming slang on Nelly Duff, or duffer), whence … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
nelly — noun (plural nellies) informal 1》 a silly person. 2》 derogatory an effeminate homosexual man. Phrases not on your nelly Brit. certainly not. [orig. as not on your Nelly Duff, rhyming sl. for puff (i.e. breath of life); modelled on the phr. not on … English new terms dictionary
nelly — I. /ˈnɛli/ (say nelee) noun Colloquial cheap wine, especially red wine. {from Nelly, diminutive of the female given name Helen} II. /ˈnɛli/ (say nelee) phrase not on your nelly, Colloquial (an emphatically negative exclamation or response.)… …