negotiate a loan

negotiate a loan
договариваться об условиях займа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "negotiate a loan" в других словарях:

  • negotiate — ne‧go‧ti‧ate [nɪˈgəʊʆieɪt ǁ ˈgoʊ ] verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to discuss something in order to reach an agreement: • Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week. • They negotiated a new contract with the sellers …   Financial and business terms

  • loan — Synonyms and related words: Wall Street loan, accommodate with, accommodation, advance, allow, allowance, call loan, call money, collateral loan, credit, demand loan, external loan, float a loan, foreign loan, lease lend, lend, lend lease, loan… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • negotiate — negotiator, n. /ni goh shee ayt /, v., negotiated, negotiating. v.i. 1. to deal or bargain with another or others, as in the preparation of a treaty or contract or in preliminaries to a business deal. v.t. 2. to arrange for or bring about by… …   Universalium

  • negotiate — [c]/nəˈgoʊʃieɪt / (say nuh gohsheeayt) verb (negotiated, negotiating) –verb (i) 1. to treat with another or others, as in the preparation of a treaty, or in preliminaries to a business deal. –verb (t) 2. to arrange for or bring about by… …  

  • loan shark — Synonyms and related words: Shylock, accommodate with, advance, banker, float a loan, lease lend, lend, lend lease, lender, loan, loan officer, loaner, money broker, moneylender, moneymonger, mortgage holder, mortgagee, negotiate a loan,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • negotiate — ne•go•ti•ate [[t]nɪˈgoʊ ʃiˌeɪt[/t]] v. at•ed, at•ing 1) to deal or bargain with another or others, as in the preparation of a treaty or contract 2) to bring about by discussion and settlement of terms: to negotiate a loan[/ex] 3) to move through …   From formal English to slang

  • loan syndication — lending by a group. The size of some loans is so large that no single financial institution would possess either the resources or the inclination to lend the entire sum on its own. In such cases a syndicate of institutions is formed to provide… …   Law dictionary

  • loan-to-own — USA A strategy used by investors to take control of a distressed company, often through bankruptcy proceedings. The strategy involves investing in the distressed company s debt (which is typically secured (security) by the company s assets) to… …   Law dictionary

  • loan — I n. 1) to float, negotiate, raise a loan 2) to make a loan 3) to get, receive a loan 4) to secure; underwrite a loan 5) to pay off, repay a loan 6) an interest free; long term; low interest; short term loan 7) interlibrary loan (she got the book …   Combinatory dictionary

  • negotiate — /nɪ gəυʃieɪt/ verb ♦ to negotiate with someone to discuss a problem formally with someone, so as to reach an agreement ● The management refused to negotiate with the union. ♦ to negotiate terms and conditions or to negotiate a contract to discuss …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • negotiate — /nɪ gəυʃieɪt/ verb ♦ to negotiate with someone to discuss a problem or issue formally with someone, so as to reach an agreement ● The management refused to negotiate with the union. ♦ to negotiate terms and conditions or a contract to discuss and …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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