negotiable certificate

negotiable certificate
свободнообращающийся сертификат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "negotiable certificate" в других словарях:

  • negotiable certificate of deposit — (CD) Security issued by large commercial banks and other depository institutions as a short term source of funds; it typically specifies a fixed interest rate and has a maturity of one year or less …   Black's law dictionary

  • negotiable certificate of deposit — (CD) Security issued by large commercial banks and other depository institutions as a short term source of funds; it typically specifies a fixed interest rate and has a maturity of one year or less …   Black's law dictionary

  • negotiable certificate of deposit — /nɪˌgəυʃiəb(ə)l səˌtɪfɪkət əv dɪ pɒzɪt/, negotiable CD /nɪˌgəυʃiəb(ə)l ˌsi: di:/ noun a receipt issued by a bank for a large sum deposited with the bank, which acts as an interest bearing deposit …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Negotiable Certificate Of Deposit (NCD) — A certificate of deposit with a minimum face value of $100,000. These are guaranteed by the bank and can usually be sold in a highly liquid secondary market, but they cannot be cashed in before maturity. Due to their large denominations, NCDs are …   Investment dictionary

  • negotiable certificate of deposit — security that is used as an investment in a bank or subsidiary company …   English contemporary dictionary

  • negotiable — ne·go·tia·ble /ni gō shə bəl/ adj: capable of being negotiated; esp: transferable from one party to another by delivery with or without endorsement so that title passes to the transferee negotiable securities a negotiable certificate of deposit… …   Law dictionary

  • negotiable CD — negotiable certificate of deposit (CD) Security issued by large commercial banks and other depository institutions as a short term source of funds; it typically specifies a fixed interest rate and has a maturity of one year or less …   Black's law dictionary

  • negotiable CD — negotiable certificate of deposit (CD) Security issued by large commercial banks and other depository institutions as a short term source of funds; it typically specifies a fixed interest rate and has a maturity of one year or less …   Black's law dictionary

  • certificate of deposit — ( CD) A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate. Chicago Board of Trade glossary ( CD) A large time deposit with a bank, having a specific maturity date and yield stated on the certificate. CDs usually are issued with… …   Financial and business terms

  • certificate of deposit — CD A negotiable certificate issued by a bank in return for a term deposit of up to five years. They originated in the USA in the 1960s. From 1968, a sterling CD was issued by UK banks. They were intended to enable the merchant banks to attract… …   Accounting dictionary

  • certificate of deposit — CD A negotiable certificate issued by a bank in return for a term deposit of up to five years. They originated in the USA in the 1960s. From 1968, a sterling CD was issued by UK banks. They were intended to enable the merchant banks to attract… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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