neglected child
Смотреть что такое "neglected child" в других словарях:
neglected child — n. A child whose caregivers fail to provide the required level of care for his or her physical, mental, and emotional needs. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
neglected child — A child not cared for in the manner that the circumstances justly demand whether the failure lies in a wilful or unintentional disregard of duty, comprehending not alone a denial of that which is necessary to satisfy ordinary physical needs, but… … Ballentine's law dictionary
neglected child — child who is not receiving the necessary care and attention … English contemporary dictionary
neglected child — A child is neglected when his parent or custodian, by reason of cruelty, mental incapacity, immorality or depravity, is unfit properly to care for him, or neglects or refuses to provide necessary physical, affectional, medical, surgical, or… … Black's law dictionary
neglected child — A child is neglected when his parent or custodian, by reason of cruelty, mental incapacity, immorality or depravity, is unfit properly to care for him, or neglects or refuses to provide necessary physical, affectional, medical, surgical, or… … Black's law dictionary
child — n pl chil·dren 1: a son or daughter of any age and usu. including one formally adopted compare issue ◇ The word child as used in a statute or will is often held to include a stepchild, an illegitimate child, a person for whom one stands in loco… … Law dictionary
child — child; Children Progeny; offspring of parentage. Unborn or recently born human being. Wilson v. Weaver, 358 F.Supp. 1147, 1154. At common law one who had not attained the age of fourteen years, though the meaning now varies in different statutes; … Black's law dictionary
child — child; Children Progeny; offspring of parentage. Unborn or recently born human being. Wilson v. Weaver, 358 F.Supp. 1147, 1154. At common law one who had not attained the age of fourteen years, though the meaning now varies in different statutes; … Black's law dictionary
child — n. 1) to adopt; bear, give birth to, have a child (she had four children) 2) to carry a child (a mother carries a child for nine months) 3) to beget; conceive a child 4) to bring up, raise, rear a child 5) to feed; nurse; wean a child 6) to… … Combinatory dictionary
neglected — adjective 1. disregarded (Freq. 1) his cries were unheeded Shaw s neglected one act comedy, A Village Wooing her ignored advice • Syn: ↑ignored, ↑unheeded • Similar to: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Child, Youth and Family (New Zealand) — Child, Youth and Family Te Tari Āwhina i te Tamaiti, te Rangatahi, tae atu ki te Whānau hei Logo of the Child, Youth and Family overview Formed 1999 Minister responsible Paula Bennett Pa … Wikipedia