negative increment

negative increment
мат. отрицательное приращение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "negative increment" в других словарях:

  • increment — [in′krə mənt, iŋ′krə mənt] n. [ME < L incrementum < base of increscere, to INCREASE] 1. the fact of becoming greater or larger; increase; gain; growth 2. a) amount of increase [an annual increment of $300 in salary] b) an increase, usually… …   English World dictionary

  • increment — incremental /in kreuh men tl, ing /, adj. incrementally, adv. /in kreuh meuhnt, ing /, n. 1. something added or gained; addition; increase. 2. profit; gain. 3. the act or process of increasing; growth. 4. an amount by which something increases or …   Universalium

  • increment — A change in the value of a variable; usually an increase, with “decrement” applied to a decrease, though “i.” can also correctly be applied to both. [L. incrementum, increase] * * * in·cre·ment iŋ krə mənt, in n 1 a) something gained or added… …   Medical dictionary

  • increment — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin incrementum, from increscere to increase Date: 15th century 1. the action or process of increasing especially in quantity or value ; enlargement 2. a. something gained or added b. one… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • increment — [ ɪŋkrɪm(ə)nt] noun 1》 an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale.     ↘a regular increase in salary on such a scale. 2》 Mathematics a small positive or negative change in a variable quantity or function. Derivatives… …   English new terms dictionary

  • increment — in•cre•ment [[t]ˈɪn krə mənt, ˈɪŋ [/t]] n. 1) something added or gained; addition; increase 2) the act or process of increasing 3) an amount by which something increases 4) one of a series of regular additions: deposits in increments of $500[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • increment — /ˈɪnkrəmənt / (say inkruhmuhnt), /ˈɪŋ / (say ing ) noun 1. something added or gained; an addition or increase. 2. profit. 3. the act or process of increasing; growth. 4. an increase in salary resulting from progression within a graduated scale of …  

  • Periodic annual increment — (PAI), is a forestry term that describes the change in the size of a tree between the beginning and ending of a growth period, divided by the number of years that was designated as the growing period (Avery, 339). [ Avery, T.E.,B.E. Harold. 2002… …   Wikipedia

  • decrement — decremental /dek reuh men tl/, adj. /dek reuh meuhnt/, n. 1. the act or process of decreasing; gradual reduction. 2. the amount lost by reduction. 3. Math. a negative increment. 4. Physics. the ratio of amplitudes of a damped harmonic motion in… …   Universalium

  • decrement — dec•re•ment [[t]ˈdɛk rə mənt[/t]] n. 1) the act or process of decreasing; gradual reduction 2) the amount lost by reduction 3) math. Math. a negative increment • Etymology: 1475–85; < L dēcrēmentum=dēcrē(scere) to decrease+ mentum ment dec… …   From formal English to slang

  • decrement — /ˈdɛkrəmənt / (say dekruhmuhnt) noun 1. the process or fact of decreasing; gradual diminution. 2. the amount lost by diminution. 3. Mathematics a negative increment. –verb (t) 4. Computers to reduce the numerical contents of (a counter). {Latin… …  

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