negative grade

negative grade

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "negative grade" в других словарях:

  • Grade inflation — is the supposed increase over time of academic grades, faster than any real increase in standards.It is frequently discussed in relation to U.S. education, and to GCSEs and A levels in England and Wales. Prevalence Grade inflation is often… …   Wikipedia

  • Grade retention — or grade repetition is the process of having a student who repeats a course, usually one previously failed. Students who repeat a course are referred as repeaters . [ [] Definition of repeater,… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative binomial distribution — Probability mass function The orange line represents the mean, which is equal to 10 in each of these plots; the green line shows the standard deviation. notation: parameters: r > 0 number of failures until the experiment is stopped (integer,… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative-state relief model — The negative state relief model states that human beings have an innate drive to reduce negative moods. They can be reduced by engaging in any mood elevating behavior, including helping behavior, as it is paired with positive value such as smiles …   Wikipedia

  • Does Testing Deserve a Passing Grade? — ▪ 2002 Introduction Charles D. Claiborn High Stakes Testing.       As the term suggests, high stakes testing is the use of educational and psychological tests to make decisions of often considerable consequence to individuals and institutions.… …   Universalium

  • Kiddy Grade — Éclair (left) and Lumière with LaMuse and Planet Aineias in the background. キディ・グレイド (Kidi Gureido) Genre …   Wikipedia

  • Seventh grade — (called Grade 7 in some regions) is a year of education in the United States and many other nations. The seventh grade is the seventh school year after kindergarten. Students are usually 12–13 years old. Traditionally, seventh grade was the next… …   Wikipedia

  • ret´ro|grade´ly — ret|ro|grade «REHT ruh grayd», adjective, verb, grad|ed, grad|ing. –adj. 1. moving backward; retreating. 2. becoming worse; declining; deteriorating. 3. inverse or reversed: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • ret|ro|grade — «REHT ruh grayd», adjective, verb, grad|ed, grad|ing. –adj. 1. moving backward; retreating. 2. becoming worse; declining; deteriorating. 3. inverse or reversed: » …   Useful english dictionary

  • Heaf test — The Heaf test is a diagnostic skin test performed in order to determine whether or not a child has been exposed to tuberculosis. Patients who exhibit a negative reaction to the test may be offered BCG vaccination. The test is named after F. R. G …   Wikipedia

  • nun — grade (umgangssprachlich); derzeitig; augenblicklich; gegenwärtig; jetzig; derzeit; jetzt; zurzeit; aktuell; gerade (umgangssprachlich); nunmehr …   Universal-Lexikon

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