- negative feedback
1) вырождение колебаний
2) электр. дегенерация
3) связь обратная отрицательная
4) отрицательная обратная связь
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
negative feedback — n feedback that tends to stabilize a process by reducing its rate or output when its effects are too great * * * the condition of maintaining a constant output of a system by exertion of an inhibitory control on a key step in the system by a… … Medical dictionary
Negative feedback — Most endocrine hormones are controlled by a physiologic negative feedback inhibition loop, such as the glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal cortex. The hypothalamus secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which directs the anterior… … Wikipedia
Negative Feedback — A pattern of contrarian investment behavior. An investor using a negative feedback strategy would buy stocks when prices declined and sell stocks when prices rose, which is the opposite of what most people do. Negative feedback helps make markets … Investment dictionary
negative feedback — neigiamasis grįžtamasis ryšys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. degenerative feedback; negative feedback; reverse feedback vok. Gegenkopplung, f; negative Rückführung, f; negative Rückkoppfung, f; negative Rückkopplung, f rus.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
negative feedback — neigiamasis grįžtamasis ryšys statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. degenerative feedback; negative feedback; reverse feedback vok. Gegenkopplung, f; negative Rückkopplung, f rus. отрицательная обратная связь, f pranc. contre réaction, f;… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
negative feedback — This occurs where the products of a process can act at an earlier stage in the process to inhibit their own formation. The term was first used widely in conjunction with electrical amplifiers where negative feedback was applied to limit… … Dictionary of molecular biology
negative feedback — negative reinforcement, criticism, negative response … English contemporary dictionary
Negative feedback amplifier — Figure 1: Ideal negative feedback model A negative feedback amplifier (or more commonly simply a feedback amplifier) is an amplifier which combines a fraction of the output with the input so that a negative feedback opposes the original signal.… … Wikipedia
negative feedback loops — physiological loops for the control of hormone production by various glands. High levels of a circulating hormone act to reduce production of the releasing factors triggering its own production, i.e. they have a negative feedback on these trigger … Medical dictionary
negative feedback loop — a physiological loop for the control of hormone production by a gland. High levels of a circulating hormone act to reduce production of the releasing factors triggering its own production, i.e. they have a negative feedback on these trigger… … The new mediacal dictionary
negative feedback factor — neigiamojo grįžtamojo ryšio faktorius statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. negative feedback factor vok. Gegenkopplungsfaktor, m rus. коэффициент отрицательной обратной связи, m pranc. facteur de réaction négative, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas