negative copy
Смотреть что такое "negative copy" в других словарях:
Copy number analysis — usually refers to the process of analyzing data produced by a test for DNA copy number variation in patient s sample. Such analysis helps detect chromosomal copy number variation that may cause or may increase risks of various critical… … Wikipedia
negative — Synonyms and related words: Cassandra like, Cassandran, Cassandrian, Ditto copy, Photostat, Xerox, Xerox copy, abjuratory, abnegate, abnegation, abnegative, abolish, abrogate, absolute veto, adversary, adversative, adverse, algorismic,… … Moby Thesaurus
Negative Syndicate — A Negative Syndicate (ネガティブシンジケート, Negatibu Shinjikēto?) is any of the fictional antagonistic organizations who seek out the Precious in the 30th Super Sentai Series GoGo Sentai Boukenger. This title is given to them by the Search Guard Successor … Wikipedia
Copy testing — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing … Wikipedia
Negative index metamaterials — A negative index metamaterial causes light to refract, or bend, differently than in more common positive refractive index materials. Negative index metamaterials or negative index materials (NIM) are artificial structures where the refractive… … Wikipedia
Negative feedback amplifier — Figure 1: Ideal negative feedback model A negative feedback amplifier (or more commonly simply a feedback amplifier) is an amplifier which combines a fraction of the output with the input so that a negative feedback opposes the original signal.… … Wikipedia
Negative space — Rubin s vase is an optical illusion in which the negative space around the vase forms the silhouettes of two faces in profile a well known example of figure ground reversal … Wikipedia
Negative calorie food — A negative calorie food is a food that is purported to require more food energy to be digested than it provides. That is, its thermic effect is greater than its food energy content. While this concept is popular in dieting guides, there is no… … Wikipedia
copy negative — negatyvo kopija statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Negatyvas, padaromas iš originalo, nebūtinai to paties mastelio. atitikmenys: angl. copy negative pranc. copie négative … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
copy negative — A negative produced from an original not necessarily at the same scale … Military dictionary
copy negative — Photog. master (def. 22). * * * … Universalium