- needle printer
- игольчатое (матричное) печатающее устройство
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Needle Printer — [engl.], Nadeldrucker … Universal-Lexikon
Needle printer — Матричное печатающее устройство с игольчатой головкой … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Printer's devil — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil's darning-needle — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eberhard Bosslet — (born 1953) is a German contemporary artist who has been producing site specific art and architectural related works, such as sculpture, installation and painting, both indoors and outdoors, since 1979. Born in Speyer, Germany, and living in… … Wikipedia
Nadeldrucker — Matrixdrucker * * * Na|del|dru|cker 〈m. 3〉 Ausgabeeinheit einer EDV Anlage zum Druck von Text u. Grafik mittels feiner Nadeln auf ein Farbband, ermöglicht ein Drucken von Durchschlägen * * * Nadeldrucker [engl. needle printer], älterer Typ… … Universal-Lexikon
Inkjet refill kit — An inkjet refill kit is a set of tools and a certain amount of ink used to refill ink cartridges. The specific tools and the amount or type of ink depends on which cartridge the kit is designed for. The purpose of an inkjet refill kit for… … Wikipedia
printmaking — /print may king/, n. the art or technique of making prints, esp. as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy. [1925 30; PRINT + MAKING] * * * Art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but… … Universalium
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Acupuncture — Intervention Needles being inserted into a patient s skin. ICD 10 PCS 8E0H30Z … Wikipedia
List of instruments used in ophthalmology — Instruments used specially in Ophthalmology are as follows: [1] Contents 1 Instrument list 2 Image gallery 3 References Instrument list … Wikipedia