neck stage

neck stage
"узкое" место (в технологической цепочке)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "neck stage" в других словарях:

  • stage III non-small cell lung cancer — Cancer has spread to structures near the lung; to the lymph nodes in the area that separates the two lungs (mediastinum); or to the lymph nodes on the other side of the chest or in the lower neck. Stage III is further divided into stage IIIA… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • Stage Neck Inn — (York Harbor,США) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: 8 Stage Neck Road, York …   Каталог отелей

  • Neck dissection — Intervention ICD 9 CM 40.4 MeSH …   Wikipedia

  • stage IVA hypopharyngeal cancer — Stage IV hypopharyngeal cancer is divided into stages IVA, IVB, and IVC. In stage IVA, the tumor is (1) any size and has spread to nearby soft tissue, connective tissue, the thyroid, or the esophagus; cancer may be found either in one lymph node… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage IVA laryngeal cancer — Stage IV is divided into stages IVA, IVB, and IVC. In stage IVA, one of the following is found: (1) cancer has spread through the thyroid cartilage and/or has spread to tissues beyond the larynx such as the neck, trachea, thyroid, or esophagus;… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage II nasopharyngeal cancer — Stage II is divided into stage IIA and stage IIB. In stage IIA, cancer has spread from the nasopharynx (the upper part of the throat behind the nose) to the oropharynx (the middle part of the throat that includes the soft palate, the base of the… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage IV lip and oral cavity cancer — Stage IV is divided into stages IVA, IVB, and IVC. In stage IVA, the tumor has spread to nearby tissues in the lip and oral cavity (mouth); and/or cancer has spread to one or more lymph nodes in the neck and the involved lymph nodes are 6… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage IV nasopharyngeal cancer — is divided into stages IVA, IVB, and IVC. In stage IVA, cancer has spread beyond the nasopharynx and may have spread to the cranial nerves, the hypopharynx (bottom part of the throat), areas in and around the side of the skull or jawbone, and/or… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage IIIC breast cancer — Stage III breast cancer is divided into stages IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC. In stage IIIC, cancer has spread to lymph nodes beneath the collarbone and near the neck; and may have spread to lymph nodes within the breast or under the arm and to tissues… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage IVA lip and oral cavity cancer — Stage IV is divided into stages IVA, IVB, and IVC. In stage IVA, the tumor has spread to nearby tissues in the lip and oral cavity (mouth); and/or cancer has spread to one or more lymph nodes in the neck and the involved lymph nodes are 6… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

  • stage IVB laryngeal cancer — Stage IV is divided into stages IVA, IVB, and IVC. In stage IVB, one of the following is found: (1) cancer has spread to the space in front of the spinal column and surrounds the carotid artery, or has spread to parts of the chest and may have… …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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