near-earth orbit
Смотреть что такое "near-earth orbit" в других словарях:
Near-Earth object — Asteroid 4179 Toutatis is a potentially hazardous object that has passed within 2.3 lunar distances … Wikipedia
Near-equatorial orbit — A near equatorial orbit is an orbit that lies close to the equatorial plane of the object orbited. This orbit allows for rapid revisit times (for a single orbiting spacecraft) of near equatorial ground sites.[citation needed] See also List of… … Wikipedia
Near equatorial orbit — A near equatorial orbit is an orbit that lies close to the equatorial plane of the object orbited. This orbit allows for rapid revisit times (for a single orbiting spacecraft) of near equatorial ground sites. See also * List of orbits *… … Wikipedia
Near-Earth asteroid — Near Earth asteroids (NEAs) are asteroids whose orbits are close to Earth s orbit. All near Earth asteroids spend part of their orbits between 0.983 and 1.3 astronomical units away from the Sun. Some near Earth asteroids orbits intersect Earth s… … Wikipedia
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking — (NEAT) is a program run by NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory to discover near Earth objects. The NEAT project began in December 1995 and ran until April 2007.[1] Contents 1 History 2 See also 3 … Wikipedia
near-earth object — noun A large celestial object, such as an asteroid, whose orbit may possibly bring it into collision with the earth (abbrev NEO) • • • Main Entry: ↑near … Useful english dictionary
Near-Earth object — Erdnahe Objekte (engl. Near Earth object; NEO), auch Erdbahnkreuzer, sind Asteroiden, Kometen und große Meteoroiden, welche bei ihrem Umlauf um die Sonne die Erdbahn kreuzen und deshalb eine Kollisionsgefahr bergen. Um dieser Gefahr begegnen zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Near Earth Object — Erdnahe Objekte (engl. Near Earth object; NEO), auch Erdbahnkreuzer, sind Asteroiden, Kometen und große Meteoroiden, welche bei ihrem Umlauf um die Sonne die Erdbahn kreuzen und deshalb eine Kollisionsgefahr bergen. Um dieser Gefahr begegnen zu… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite — The Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat)[1] is a Canadian microsatellite using a 15 cm aperture f/5.88 Maksutov telescope similar to that on the MOST spacecraft, 3 axis stabilized with pointing stability of 2 arcseconds in a 100… … Wikipedia
Near Earth Asteroid Prospector — The Near Earth Asteroid Prospector, or NEAP, was a concept for a small innovative commercial spacecraft mission by the private company SpaceDev. The goal was to fly NEAP to a targeted near Earth asteroid residing beyond the Earth s orbit,… … Wikipedia
Low Earth orbit — An orbiting cannon ball showing various sub orbital and orbital possibilities … Wikipedia