near the knuckle
Смотреть что такое "near the knuckle" в других словарях:
near the knuckle — If something is near the knuckle, it is bit explicit or too close to the truth for comfort … The small dictionary of idiomes
near the knuckle — ► near the knuckle Brit. informal verging on being indecent or offensive. Main Entry: ↑knuckle … English terms dictionary
near the knuckle — phrasal 1. : near the permitted, accepted, or tolerable limit of what can be said or done: as a. : verging on the border line between decency and indecency jokes that were embarrassingly near the knuckle b. : verging on what is offensive or… … Useful english dictionary
near the knuckle — adjective Risqué, sexual, suggestive of impropriety. So near the knuckle, I wonder they got past the censor … Wiktionary
near the knuckle Brit. — near the knuckle Brit. informal verging on the indecent or offensive. → knuckle … English new terms dictionary
near the knuckle — See knuckle, near the … A concise dictionary of English slang
be near the knuckle — British, informal if a joke or a remark is near the knuckle, it is about sex in a way that some people find offensive. Some of his jokes were a bit near the knuckle and, unfortunately, I was watching the show with my parents … New idioms dictionary
near the knuckle — British informal rude and slightly offensive, especially about sex … English dictionary
knuckle, near the — Verging on the indecent. Tactlessly direct … A concise dictionary of English slang
knuckle — ► NOUN 1) a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface. 2) a projection of the carpal or tarsal joint of a quadruped. 3) this projection as a joint of meat. ► VERB ▪ rub or press with the knuckles. ● knuckle down Cf. ↑ … English terms dictionary
The Bill (series 6) — The Bill Series 6 Country of origin United Kingdom No. of episodes 104 Broadcast Original channel ITV … Wikipedia