Смотреть что такое "nay-say" в других словарях:
nay´say´er — nay|say «NAY SAY», verb, noun. –v.t., v.i. say nay (to); deny; oppose; vote in the negative. –n. Archaic. a denial or refusal. –nay´say´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
nay|say — «NAY SAY», verb, noun. –v.t., v.i. say nay (to); deny; oppose; vote in the negative. –n. Archaic. a denial or refusal. –nay´say´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
nay-say — to give the nay say of a house, &c. i. e. the refusal … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
nay-say — 1. noun A refusal, denial, or negation. That, replied Miss Lucy, depends entirely on the manner in which the nay says are said. 2. verb a) To speak negatively of something … Wiktionary
nay·say·er — /ˈneıˌsejɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] formal : a person who says something will not work or is not possible : a person who denies, refuses, or opposes something There are always naysayers who say it can t be done … Useful english dictionary
nay-say — … Useful english dictionary
nay — ara·gua·nay; cam·a·nay; char·don·nay; chat·e·nay; gua·nay; han·nay·ite; hog·ma·nay; mor·nay; nay·word; nig·nay; pa·nay·an; pol·o·nay; sat·i·nay; si·nay; sur·nay; nay; nay·say; ado·nay; isi·nay; ku·te·nay; … English syllables
nay-sayer — /ˈneɪ seɪə/ (say nay sayuh) noun a person who habitually disagrees with any proposition put before them. {nay + say + er1} –nay saying, noun …
say — as·say·a·ble; as·say·er; doom·say·er; d or·say; es·say·er; es·say·ette; es·say·ist; es·say·is·tic; gain·say; man·a·no·say; mis·say; ram·say·ite; re·say; say; say·able; say·bolt; say·ee; say·er; say·ing; say·nète; say·yid; sooth·say·er;… … English syllables
Nay Toe — Born Nay Lin Aung 9 September 1981 (1981 09 09) (age 30) Manaung, Rakhine State, Burma … Wikipedia
nay — ay (n[=a]), adv. [Icel. nei; akin to E. no. See {No}, adv.] 1. No; a negative answer to a question asked, or a request made, now superseded by {no}. Opposed to {aye} or {yea}. See also {Yes}. [1913 Webster +PJC] And eke when I say ye, ne say not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English