Смотреть что такое "nautics" в других словарях:
nautics — art of navigation Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
nautics — n. art of navigation; water sports … Dictionary of difficult words
nautics — nauˈtics singular noun The science of navigation plural noun Water sports • • • Main Entry: ↑nautical … Useful english dictionary
Song Dynasty — This article is about the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties. For the Southern Dynasty, see Liu Song Dynasty. Song 宋 ← … Wikipedia
List of seaports of the Valencian Community — This is a list of ports and harbours in the Valencian Community of Spain.Alicante (province)Ports *Port of la Isla Tabarca Altea:Port of Altea :Port La Galera (Altea) :Port of L Olla d Altea (Altea) :Port of Marina Greenwich (Altea) Alicante… … Wikipedia
Technology of the Song Dynasty — The Song Dynasty ( zh. 宋朝; 960–1279 CE) provided some of the most significant technological advances in Chinese history, many of which came from talented statesmen drafted by the government through imperial examinations.The ingenuity of advanced… … Wikipedia
Rudder — A rudder is a device used to steer a ship, boat, submarine, hovercraft, or other conveyance that move through a fluid (generally air or water). On an aircraft the rudder is used primarily to counter adverse yaw and p factor and is not the primary … Wikipedia
Pearl hunting — or pearl diving refers to a now largely obsolete method of retrieving pearls from pearl oysters, freshwater pearl mussels and, on rare occasions, other nacre producing creatures, such as abalone.HistoryBefore the beginning of the 20th century,… … Wikipedia
Song Yingxing — (Traditional Chinese:宋應星; Simplified Chinese:宋应星; Wade Giles: Sung Ying Hsing; 1587 1666 AD) was a Chinese scientist and encyclopedist who lived during the late Ming Dynasty (1368 1644). He was the author of an encyclopedia that covered a wide… … Wikipedia
List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have … Wikipedia
Nautik — Nau|tik 〈f. 20; unz.〉 Lehre von der Führung eines Schiffes, von der Schifffahrt u. ihren Hilfsmitteln, von den Gewässern u. Wetterverhältnissen, der Standortbestimmung usw.; Sy Schifffahrtskunde [<grch. nautike (techne) „Schifffahrtskunde“] *… … Universal-Lexikon