Смотреть что такое "nature-cure" в других словарях:
nature cure — noun The practice of or treatment by naturopathy • • • Main Entry: ↑nature … Useful english dictionary
Nature cure — Nature cure, natural hygiene, or natural care refer to methods of self healing, often using fasting, dieting, rest, or hydrotherapy.[1] These are, for example, used in the following systems of alternative medicine: Orthopathy Naturopathy… … Wikipedia
Nature Cure hospital, Hyderabad — Nature Cure hospital neighbourhood Coordinates Country India State Andhra Pradesh … Wikipedia
Nature Cure Hospital Railway Station — is a train station in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Localities like Balkampet, Ameerpet, Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar, Punjagutta are accessible from this station. Lines Multi Modal Transport System, Hyderabad Falaknuma Secunderabad (FS Line)… … Wikipedia
nature cure — noun another term for naturopathy … English new terms dictionary
Aayushmaan Nature Cure Health Retreat — (Sriperumbudur,Индия) Категория отеля: Адрес: No 72, Kundrath … Каталог отелей
Devaaya Ayurveda and Nature Cure Centre — (Малар,Индия) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: Malar, 403403 … Каталог отелей
nature — n. 1 a thing s or person s innate or essential qualities or character (not in their nature to be cruel; is the nature of iron to rust). 2 (often Nature) a the physical power causing all the phenomena of the material world (Nature is the best… … Useful english dictionary
Nature's Cure — Type Privately held company Industry Health Beauty Founded 1994 Headquarters … Wikipedia
nature — [ natyr ] n. f. • 1119; lat. natura I ♦ 1 ♦ (Qualifié) La nature de... Ensemble des caractères, des propriétés qui définissent un être, une chose concrète ou abstraite, généralement considérés comme constituant un genre. ⇒ essence; entité. « on… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cure — 1. (ku r ) s. f. 1° Soin, souci. Ce mot ne se dit guère qu avec le verbe avoir et sans article. Il n a cure de rien. • L âne, qui goûtait fort l autre façon d aller, Se plaint en son patois ; le meunier n en a cure, LA FONT. Fabl. III, 1.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré