- natural reaction
- естественная, нормальная реакция a natural natural reaction to provocation ≈ естественная реакция на провокацию Syn : normal reaction
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
reaction — n. 1) to cause, trigger a reaction 2) to encounter, meet with a reaction 3) an adverse, negative; favorable, positive; strong; weak reaction 4) an allergic; chain; chemical; delayed; knee jerk (usu. fig.); natural, normal; nuclear; physiological… … Combinatory dictionary
reaction */*/*/ — UK [rɪˈækʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms reaction : singular reaction plural reactions 1) a) [countable] the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens My mother s initial reaction was quite unexpected. b) [usually singular] a… … English dictionary
reaction — re|ac|tion [ ri ækʃn ] noun *** ▸ 1 how you react to something ▸ 2 bad effect on body ▸ 3 ability to act quickly ▸ 4 opposition to past ways ▸ 5 chemical change ▸ 6 opposition to change 1. ) count the way you feel or behave as a result of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
reaction*/*/*/ — [riˈækʃ(ə)n] noun 1) [C] the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens My mother s reaction was quite unexpected.[/ex] Shock is a natural reaction to such bad news.[/ex] See: knee jerk 2) [C] a bad effect on your body… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
natural — [[t]næ̱tʃərəl[/t]] ♦♦ naturals 1) ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf/that If you say that it is natural for someone to act in a particular way or for something to happen in that way, you mean that it is reasonable in the circumstances. It is… … English dictionary
natural — 1 adjective 1 NORMAL normal and what you would expect in a particular situation or at a particular time: Don t worry it s a perfectly natural reaction. | it s only natural spoken: It s only natural to be afraid sometimes. | it is natural for sb… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
natural — I UK [ˈnætʃ(ə)rəl] / US adjective *** 1) a) existing in nature and not produced or caused by people This cloth is made from natural fibres. areas of great natural beauty completely/totally natural: All the ingredients we use are completely… … English dictionary
natural*/*/*/ — [ˈnætʃ(ə)rəl] adj I 1) existing in nature, and not produced by people This cloth is made from natural fibres.[/ex] areas of great natural beauty[/ex] The earthquake is the worst natural disaster that Japan has experienced.[/ex] Mr Johnson died… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Natural oil polyols — Natural oil polyols, also known as NOPs or biopolyols, are polyols derived from vegetable oils by several different techniques. The primary use for these materials is in the production of polyurethanes. Most NOPs qualify as Biobased Products, as… … Wikipedia
Natural burial — is a process by which the body of a deceased person is interred in the soil in a manner that does not inhibit decomposition and allows the body to recycle naturally. It is seen as an alternative to contemporary Western burial methods. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Natural organic matter — (NOM) is broken down organic matter that comes from plants and animals in the environment. [ Natural Organic Matter, GreenFacts, 22 Apr, 2007 … Wikipedia