natural langauge

natural langauge
родной язык (особ. национального меньшинства) (специальное) естественный язык (в отличие от машинного)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "natural langauge" в других словарях:

  • Философские журналы — Философский журнал  это научный журнал по философии Содержание 1 История философских журналов 1.1 Философия в научных журналах XVII века …   Википедия

  • University of Pristina — The University of Prishtina as well as the University of Pristina ( sq. Universiteti i Prishtinës; Serbian: Универзитет у Приштини, Univerzitet u Prištini ; Turkish: Priştina Üniversitesi ; Latin: Universitas Studiorum Prishtiniensis ) are at… …   Wikipedia

  • Auslan — language name=Auslan nativename=Australian Sign Language states=Australia region=Northern dialect (NSW, QLD) and Southern dialect (all other states) signers=6,500 (estimate) fam1=BANZSL iso2=sgn iso3=asfAuslan is the sign language of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Felix Granda — Rev. Felix Granda y Alvarez Buylla (1868 1954) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and sacred artist who founded the liturgical art workshop Talleres de Arte and directed its activities until his death. The workshop is now known as Talleres de… …   Wikipedia

  • Mesopotamia, history of — ▪ historical region, Asia Introduction  history of the region in southwestern Asia where the world s earliest civilization developed. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “between rivers,” referring to the land between the Tigris and… …   Universalium

  • Geordie — (pronEng|ˈdʒɔrdi) is a regional nickname for a person from the Tynesidecite web|url= oed/geordie?view=uk| a person from Tyneside|accessdate=2007 09 01] region of England, or the name of the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Celtic language media — The list below contains information on the different types of media available in the Celtic languages.AllOnly a handful of media contain all the Celtic languages. An example is Carn magazine, which has contained columns in all six languages since …   Wikipedia

  • Список языков программирования — Списки языков программирования Алфавитный По категориям Хронологический Генеалогический Цель этого алфавитного списка языков программирования состоит в том, чтобы дать полный перечень всех существующих языков программирования, как используемых в… …   Википедия

  • Biolinguistique — La circulation dès 1955 d un manuscrit inédit du linguiste américain Noam Chomsky, The logical Sructure of Linguistic Theory, (une partie de ce manuscrit ne fut publiée que vingt ans plus tard[1]) marque le déplacement du centre d intérêt d un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Postan — Recorded in the spellings of Postan, Postance, Poston, Postin, and several others, this is an English residential surname. However spelt the surname describes a dweller by a Postern gate, or more likely the keeper of the gate. It derives from the …   Surnames reference

  • Postin — Recorded in the spellings of Postan, Postance, Poston, Postin, and several others, this is an English residential surname. However spelt the surname describes a dweller by a Postern gate, or more likely the keeper of the gate. It derives from the …   Surnames reference

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