natural inference

natural inference
мат. естественный вывод

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "natural inference" в других словарях:

  • Natural language processing — (NLP) is a field of computer science and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages; it began as a branch of artificial intelligence.[1] In theory, natural language processing is a very attractive… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural language user interface — Natural Language User Interfaces (LUI) are a type of computer human interface where linguistic phenomena such as verbs, phrases and clauses act as UI controls for creating, selecting and modifying data in software applications. In interface… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural Law — • In English this term is frequently employed as equivalent to the laws of nature, meaning the order which governs the activities of the material universe. Among the Roman jurists natural law designated those instincts and emotions common to man… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Natural deduction — In logic and proof theory, natural deduction is a kind of proof calculus in which logical reasoning is expressed by inference rules closely related to the natural way of reasoning. This contrasts with the axiomatic systems which instead use… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural experiment — A natural experiment is an observational study in which the assignment of treatments to subjects has been haphazard: That is, the assignment of treatments has been made by nature , but not by experimenters. Thus, a natural experiment is not a… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural language understanding — Learning to read by Sigurður málari, 19th century. Natural language understanding is a subtopic of natural language processing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine reading comprehension. The proc …   Wikipedia

  • Natural exponential family — In probability and statistics, the natural exponential family (NEF) is a class of probability distributions that is a special case of an exponential family (EF). Many common distributions are members of a natural exponential family, and the use… …   Wikipedia

  • natural deduction — A system of logic developed solely in terms of rules of inference. In the place of axioms there are only rules, saying what can be derived from any given assumption. However, there will be rules for ‘discharging’ assumptions, leading to results… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Rule of inference — In logic, a rule of inference (also called a transformation rule) is a function from sets of formulae to formulae. The argument is called the premise set (or simply premises ) and the value the conclusion . They can also be viewed as relations… …   Wikipedia

  • The Design Inference —   Author(s) William Dembski …   Wikipedia

  • Statistical inference — In statistics, statistical inference is the process of drawing conclusions from data that are subject to random variation, for example, observational errors or sampling variation.[1] More substantially, the terms statistical inference,… …   Wikipedia

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