natural atlas
Смотреть что такое "natural atlas" в других словарях:
Atlas Libertas — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Atlas Libertas es una escultura en relieve en el edificio de la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad Francisco Marroquín, en Guatemala. Atlas Libertas estará ubicada en la fachada que le da la bienvenida a los… … Wikipedia Español
Atlas-Zwergotter — Systematik Ordnung: Schuppenkriechtiere (Squamata) Unterordnung: Schlangen (Serpentes) Familie: Vipern (Viperidae) Unterfamilie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI) es un proyecto de Atlas lingüístico concebido en 1914 por Ramón Menéndez Pidal y encargado a su discípulo Tomás Navarro Tomás. El proyecto se basó en unos cuadernos … Wikipedia Español
Atlas natural — Atlas natural, s. u. Atlas (Waarenk.) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Atlas [6] — Atlas (Waarenk., eigentlich Atlaß, v. pers., fr. Satin), seidenes, geköpertes, auf der einen Seite sehr glattes u. glänzendes, auf der andern taffetartiges Zeug, das auf einem Stuhl mit 8 Schäften u. Kämmen u. 8 Fußtritten gewebt wird; bei… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Atlas Mountains — For other uses, see Mount Atlas. Atlas Mountains Range Toubkal Mountain in Toubkal National Park in the High Atlas … Wikipedia
Atlas Mountains — a mountain range in NW Africa, extending through Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Highest peak, Mt. Tizi, 14,764 ft. (4500 m). * * * Mountain system, northwestern Africa. It extends some 1,200 mi (2,000 km) from the Moroccan port of Agadir in the… … Universalium
Natural scientific research in Canada — This article outlines the history of natural scientific research in Canada, including mathematics, physics, astronomy, space science, geology, oceanography, chemistry, biology, medical research and psychology. The social sciences are not treated… … Wikipedia
Atlas of Canada — The Atlas of Canada is an Internet atlas published by Natural Resources Canada that has information on every city, town, village, and hamlet in Canada. It was originally a print atlas, with its first edition being published in 1906 by geographer… … Wikipedia
Atlas of Australian Birds — The Atlas of Australian Birds is a major ongoing database project initiated and managed by … Wikipedia
Natural history of Africa — A composite satellite image of Africa. The natural history of Africa encompasses some of the well known megafauna of that continent. Natural history is the study and description of organisms and natural objects, especially their origins,… … Wikipedia