natural aggregate
Смотреть что такое "natural aggregate" в других словарях:
aggregate — n 1 *sum, total, whole, number, amount, quantity Antonyms: individual: particular 2 Aggregate, aggregation, conglomerate, conglomeration, agglomerate, agglomeration denote a mass formed by parts or particles that are not merged into each other.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Aggregate (composite) — Aggregate is the component of a composite material used to resist compressive stress. For efficient filling, aggregate should be much smaller than the finished item, but have a wide variety of sizes. For example, the particles of stone used to… … Wikipedia
Natural Resources Research Institute — Natural Resources Research Institute. The Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) is a U.S. based research institute established by the Minnesota state legislature within the University of Minnesota Duluth. NRRI is a non profit applied… … Wikipedia
aggregate corporation — Aggregate and sole corporations. A corporation sole is one consisting of one person only, and his successors in some particular station, who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of… … Black's law dictionary
aggregate and sole corporations — Aggregate and sole corporations. A corporation sole is one consisting of one person only, and his successors in some particular station, who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of… … Black's law dictionary
aggregate corporation — Aggregate and sole corporations. A corporation sole is one consisting of one person only, and his successors in some particular station, who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of… … Black's law dictionary
aggregate and sole corporations — Aggregate and sole corporations. A corporation sole is one consisting of one person only, and his successors in some particular station, who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of… … Black's law dictionary
Natural Light — Natural Light. Natural Light is a reduced calorie light pilsner brewed by Anheuser Busch since its introduction on July 31, 1977. Its ingredients are listed as water, barley malt, cereal grains, yeast, and hops. The nutritional facts of one 12… … Wikipedia
Natural rate of unemployment (monetarism) — The natural rate of unemployment (sometimes called the structural unemployment rate) is a concept of economic activity developed in particular by Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps in the 1960s, both recipients of the Nobel prize in economics. In… … Wikipedia
Natural rate of unemployment — The natural rate of unemployment is a concept of economic activity developed in particular by Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps in the 1960s. [Both are recipients of the Nobel prize in economics; Friedman in 1976 and Phelps in 2006. In both cases … Wikipedia
Natural building — A natural building involves a range of building systems and materials that place major emphasis on sustainability. Ways of achieving sustainability through natural building focus on durability and the use of minimally processed, plentiful or… … Wikipedia