
ˈnæʃnəlɪ нареч.
1) а) с общенациональной, общегосударственной точки зрения б) в масштабе всей страны, one of the most effective and nationally honourable State Papersодна из самых ярких и уважаемых по всей стране госдарственных газет
2) в национальном духе с общенациональной или общегосударственной точки зрения в масштабе всей страны;
всенародно - * known school школа, которую знает вся страна - to be * acclaimed получить всенародное признание в национальном духе как нация nationally в масштабе всей страны ~ в национальном духе ~ с общенациональной (или общегосударственной) точки зрения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nationally" в других словарях:

  • Nationally — Na tion*al*ly, adv. 1. In a national manner or way; as a nation. The jews . . . being nationally espoused to God by covenant. South. [1913 Webster] 2. Throughout the nation; as, nationally famous. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nationally — adv. Nationally is used with these adjectives: ↑organized, ↑prominent, ↑representative Nationally is used with these verbs: ↑advertise, ↑broadcast, ↑compete, ↑distribute, ↑elect, ↑expand, ↑implement …   Collocations dictionary

  • nationally — na|tion|al|ly [ˈnæʃənəli] adv by or to everyone in the nation ▪ a nationally recognised qualification ▪ The programme will be broadcast nationally …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • nationally — na|tion|al|ly [ næʃənli ] adverb * 1. ) relating to a whole nation, not just part of it: a nationally televised news conference 2. ) relating to one country but not other countries: He competes nationally and internationally in javelin, shot, and …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • nationally */ — UK [ˈnæʃ(ə)nəlɪ] / US [ˈnæʃən(ə)lɪ] adverb 1) relating to a whole nation, not just part of it a nationally televised news conference 2) relating to one country but not other countries He competes nationally and internationally in javelin, shot,… …   English dictionary

  • nationally — adverb 1. with regard to a nation taken as a whole (Freq. 2) a nationally uniform culture • Derived from adjective: ↑national 2. extending throughout an entire nation (Freq. 1) nationally advertised it was broadcast nationwide …   Useful english dictionary

  • nationally — adverb In a way relating to the whole nation. The speech was televised nationally …   Wiktionary

  • nationally — adverb by or to everyone in the nation: The programme will be broadcast nationally …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • nationally — national ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to or characteristic of a nation. 2) owned, controlled, or financially supported by the state. ► NOUN ▪ a citizen of a particular country. DERIVATIVES nationally adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action — (NAMA) refers to a set of policies and actions that countries undertake as part of a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The term recognizes that different countries may take different nationally appropriate action on the basis of… …   Wikipedia

  • Nationally significant infrastructure projects — (NSIP) are major infrastructure developments in England and Wales, such as proposals for power plants, large renewable energy projects, new airports and airport extensions, major road projects etc. From October 1 2009 the Infrastructure Planning… …   Wikipedia

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