nasal congestion
Смотреть что такое "nasal congestion" в других словарях:
Nasal congestion — Classification and external resources ICD 9 478.19 Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passages usually due to membranes lining the nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels.[1] … Wikipedia
nasal congestion — noun The blockage of the nasal passages usually due to membranes lining the nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels. See Also: nasal obstruction … Wiktionary
congestión nasal — m. sintomat. Inflamación de los tejidos que recubren internamente la nariz, con la consiguiente obstrucción del paso de aire. La congestión también puede provocar problemas en los oídos, ronquera y dificultad para coger el sueño. Generalmente, la … Diccionario médico
Congestion — generally means excessive crowding. Congestion may refer to: congestion in heart failure, a term to describe low cardiac output seen in heart failure. Nasal congestion, the blockage of nasal passages due to swollen membranes Network congestion,… … Wikipedia
Nasal irrigation — Intervention A woman flushing her nose with a neti pot. ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Nasal concha — Lateral wall of nasal cavity, showing ethmoid bone in position. (Superior and middle in pink, and inferior in blue.) … Wikipedia
Nasal cycle — A CT scan showing evidence of the nasal cycle. The more patent airway is on the right; the swollen turbinates congesting the left. The nasal cycle is the alternating congestion and decongestion of the nasal cavities in humans. It is a… … Wikipedia
Nasal spray — A hand operated nose spray pump releases a fine mist of nasal spray … Wikipedia
Nasal voice — A nasal voice is a type of speaking voice characterized by speech with a nasal quality to it. It can also occur naturally because of genetic variation. In vocal context, the opposite of nasal is adenoidal or denasal. Nasal speech can be divided… … Wikipedia
congestion — [[t]kənʤe̱stʃ(ə)n[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft adj N If there is congestion in a place, the place is extremely crowded and blocked with traffic or people. The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry... Energy… … English dictionary
congestion — Presence of an abnormal amount of fluid in the vessels or passages of a part or organ; especially, of blood due either to increased influx or to an obstruction to outflow. SEE ALSO: hyperemia. [L. congestio, a bringing together, a heap, fr. con… … Medical dictionary