narrow shave
Смотреть что такое "narrow shave" в других словарях:
shave — I n. 1) to give smb. a shave 2) a close shave 3) (misc.) a close shave ( a narrow escape ) II v. (N; used with an adjective) she shaved me close; he shaved his head bald * * * [ʃeɪv] he shaved his head bald (N; used with an adjective) she shaved… … Combinatory dictionary
shave — [c]/ʃeɪv / (say shayv) verb (shaved, shaved or shaven, shaving) –verb (i) 1. to remove a growth of beard with a razor. –verb (t) 2. to remove hair from (the face, legs, etc.) by cutting it close to the skin. 3. Also, shave off, shave away. to cut …
shave — Synonyms and related words: abate, abbreviate, abrade, abridge, abscind, abstract, amputate, annihilate, ban, bar, bate, beat, beat down, beguile of, bilk, bob, boil down, borrow, break, brush, brush by, bunco, burn, capsulize, caress, cheapen,… … Moby Thesaurus
narrow escape — noun something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑close call, ↑close shave, ↑squeak, ↑squeaker • Hypernyms: ↑accomplishment, ↑achievement * * * … Useful english dictionary
shave grass — Dutch Dutch, a. [D. duitsch German; or G. deutsch, orig., popular, national, OD. dietsc, MHG. diutsch, tiutsch, OHG. diutisk, fr. diot, diota, a people, a nation; akin to AS. pe[ o]d, OS. thiod, thioda, Goth. piuda; cf. Lith. tauta land, OIr.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
shave — v. & n. (past part. shaved or (as adj.) shaven) 1 remove (bristles or hair) from the face etc. with a razor. 2 (also absol.) remove bristles or hair with a razor from the face etc. of (a person) or (a part of the body). 3 a reduce by a… … Useful english dictionary
shave through — pass through a narrow passage with difficulty, slide through … English contemporary dictionary
close call, shave or thing — Narrow escape … A concise dictionary of English slang
close shave — noun something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin • Syn: ↑close call, ↑squeak, ↑squeaker, ↑narrow escape • Hypernyms: ↑accomplishment, ↑achievement * * * close shave, Informal. a … Useful english dictionary
close shave — See: CLOSE CALL … Dictionary of American idioms
close shave — See: CLOSE CALL … Dictionary of American idioms