narrow down — verb 1. define clearly (Freq. 1) I cannot narrow down the rules for this game • Syn: ↑pin down, ↑peg down, ↑nail down, ↑narrow, ↑specify • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
narrow down — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms narrow down : present tense I/you/we/they narrow down he/she/it narrows down present participle narrowing down past tense narrowed down past participle narrowed down to reduce the number of possibilities or… … English dictionary
narrow down — v. (D; tr.) to narrow down to (the choice was narrowed down to a few candidates) * * * [ nærəʊ daʊn] (D; tr.) to narrow down to (the choice was narrow downed down to a few candidates) … Combinatory dictionary
narrow down — PHRASAL VERB If you narrow down a range of things, you reduce the number of things included in it. [V P n (not pron)] What s happened is that the new results narrow down the possibilities... [V n P to n] I ve managed to narrow the list down to… … English dictionary
narrow down — verb Make more specific. All the food on the menu looked delicious, so I tried to narrow down my choices to only healthy foods … Wiktionary
narrow down — phr verb Narrow down is used with these nouns as the object: ↑list … Collocations dictionary
narrow down — {v. phr.} To limit within very strict margins. * /Of the numerous applicants, the list has been narrowed down to just a few./ … Dictionary of American idioms
narrow down — {v. phr.} To limit within very strict margins. * /Of the numerous applicants, the list has been narrowed down to just a few./ … Dictionary of American idioms
narrow\ down — v. phr. To limit within very strict margins. Of the numerous applicants, the list has been narrowed down to just a few … Словарь американских идиом
narrow down — v. reduce, limit … English contemporary dictionary
narrow — ► ADJECTIVE (narrower, narrowest) 1) of small width in comparison to length. 2) limited in extent, amount, or scope. 3) barely achieved: a narrow escape. ► VERB 1) become or make narrower. 2) … English terms dictionary