Смотреть что такое "naris" в других словарях:
naris — naris; post·naris; pre·naris; … English syllables
Naris — Prinz Naris ( Aussprache: [narít], vollständiger Titel: Prinz Narisara Nuvativongse, Thai: สมเด็จพระเจ้าบรมวงศ์เธอ เจ้าฟ้าจิตรเจริญ กรมพระยานริศรานุวัดติวงศ์ Aussprache: [sŏm dèt pʰrá ʤâo boromma wong tə ʤâo fáː ʤìt ʤà rən krom pʰrá ja ná rít ra… … Deutsch Wikipedia
naris — (plural nares)) the nostril. External nares open onto the head, internal nares connect the nasal cavity with the mouth cavity (as in Dipnoi). The median naris of Myxini also opens into the mouth. In other fishes the naris on each side is single… … Dictionary of ichthyology
narís — a m (ȋ) 1. knjiž. risba, skica: na robu karte so bile opombe in naris naših položajev 2. geom. projekcija predmeta navadno na navpično ravnino: naris in tloris / mere so podane v narisu … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
naris — noun any of the openings to the nasal cavities that allow air to flow through the cavities to the pharynx • Derivationally related forms: ↑narial • Hypernyms: ↑orifice, ↑opening, ↑porta • Hyponyms: ↑nostril, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
naris — nar·is (nârʹĭs) n. pl. nar·es ( ēz) An external opening in the nasal cavity of a vertebrate; a nostril. [Latin nāris. See nas . narʹi·al ( ē əl) adj. * * * … Universalium
Naris — Na|ris, die; , Nares <meist Pl.> [lat. naris] (Anat.): Nasenloch … Universal-Lexikon
Naris — Recorded in several forms including Noris, Norris, Norres, Norriss, Norrish, and dialectals such as Nares, Naris, and Nearise, this is an Anglo French surname. It has three possible origins that have become intertwined over the centuries. The… … Surnames reference
Naris — Na̱ris [aus gleichbed. lat. naris] w; , Na̱res (meist Mehrz.): „Nasenloch“, anat. Bezeichnung für die beiden länglichen Nasenöffnungen, die den Eingang zur Nasenhöhle bilden … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Naris — Na|ris die; , Nares [ na:re:s] (meist Plur.) <aus gleichbed. lat. naris> eine der beiden Nasenöffnungen, die den Eingang zur Nasenhöhle bilden, Nasenloch (Anat.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Naris — šnervė statusas T sritis kvėpavimo aparatas atitikmenys: lot. Naris ryšiai: platesnis terminas – nosies ertmė siauresnis terminas – šnervės dangtelis siauresnis terminas – vertikalioji šnervės plokštelė … Paukščių anatomijos terminai