Смотреть что такое "narcissus" в других словарях:
Narcissus — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Narcisse … Wikipédia en Français
Narcissus — may refer to: Biology Narcissus (plant), a genus containing daffodils and others People Narcissus (mythology), Greek mythological character Narcissus (wrestler) (2nd c.), assassin of the Roman emperor Commodus Tiberius Claudius Narcissus (1st c.) … Wikipedia
Narcissus — L. (Narzisse), Gattung der Amaryllidazeen, Zwiebelgewächse mit linealen Blättern, blattlosem, ein oder mehrblütigem Schafte, gestielten, von häutigem Deckblatt umgebenen Blütenstielen, nickenden Blüten, röhriger oder trichterig glockiger… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Narcissus — Nar*cis sus (n[aum]r*s[i^]s s[u^]s), n.; pl. {Narcissuses}. [L. narcissus, and (personified) Narcissus, Gr. na rkissos, Na rkissos, fr. na rkh torpor, in allusion to the narcotic properties of the flower. Cf. {Narcotic}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Bot.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Narcissus — [när sis′əs] n. [L < Gr Narkissos] 1. Gr. Myth. a beautiful youth who, after Echo s death, is made to pine away for love of his own reflection in a spring and changes into the narcissus 2. pl. narcissus, narcissuses, narcissi [när sis′ī] [ModL … English World dictionary
Narcissus — m Latin form of the Greek name Narkissos. In classical mythology, Narcissus was a beautiful youth who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water and remained there transfixed until he faded away and turned into a flower. The legend… … First names dictionary
narcissus — (n.) type of bulbous flowering plant, 1540s, from L. narcissus, from Gk. narkissos the narcissus, perhaps from a pre Greek Aegean word, but associated with Gk. narke numbness (see NARCOTIC (Cf. narcotic)) because of the sedative effect of the… … Etymology dictionary
Narcissus [2] — Narcissus (N. L.), Pflanzengattung aus der Familie der Amaryllideae Narcisseae Spr., der Narcissenschwertel, Narcisseae Rchnb., Glitzen Ok., 6. Kl. 1. Ordn. L.; Arten: N. pseudonarcissus u. N. poëticus, von beiden sonst die bittere, scharfe.… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Narcissus — in Greek ↑mythology, a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own ↑reflection when he saw his face in a pool of water. Because he became very unhappy as a result, he gradually became so weak that he died. A flower grew up in the place… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Narcissus [1] — Narcissus, 1) (Sagengesch.), s. Narkissos; 2) Freigelassener, Geheimschreiber u. Günstling des römischen Kaisers Claudius; er benutzte seine Stellung zu seiner Bereicherung u. zur Bedrückung Roms u. veranlaßte den Kaiser seine zweite Gemahlin… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Narcissus — L., Narzisse, Pflanzengattg. der Amaryllidazeen, Zwiebelgewächse mit großen, lebhaft gefärbten Blüten im mittlern Europa und in den Mittelmeerländern. Viele Arten Gartenzierpflanzen: N. poëtĭcus L. (echte Narzisse [Abb. 1226]), mit weißen Blüten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon