- nappy rash
- брит. раздражение кожи от пеленок Syn : diaper rash
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nappy rash — noun An irritation of the skin on a baby s buttocks or genital area, usu caused by wet nappies • • • Main Entry: ↑nappy * * * nappy rash UK US noun [uncountable] british sore, broken skin that is usually caused by wearing a wet nappy for too long … Useful english dictionary
nappy rash — N UNCOUNT If a baby has nappy rash, the skin under its nappy is red and sore. [BRIT] (in AM, use diaper rash) … English dictionary
nappy rash — noun (U) BrE sore skin between a baby s legs and on its buttocks caused by a wet or dirty nappy; diaper rash AmE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
nappy rash — /ˈnæpi ræʃ/ (say napee rash) noun dermatitis of thighs and buttocks due to ammonia produced in decomposing urine in an infant s nappy …
nappy rash — noun Brit. inflammation of a baby s skin caused by prolonged contact with a damp nappy … English new terms dictionary
nappy rash — UK / US noun [uncountable] British sore, broken skin that is usually caused by wearing a wet nappy for too long … English dictionary
nappy rash — noun A generic term applied to various skin rashes in the diaper area. Syn: diaper rash … Wiktionary
nappy rash — see napkin rash … Medical dictionary
nappy rash — napkin rash … The new mediacal dictionary
rash — rash1 [ræʃ] adj [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Probably from an unrecorded Old English rAsc] if you are rash, you do things too quickly, without thinking carefully about whether they are sensible or not →↑foolish ▪ Please Jessie, don t do anything… … Dictionary of contemporary English
rash — 1 adjective doing something too quickly, without thinking carefully about whether it is sensible or not: Don t go making any rash decisions about your future! | It was rather rash of you to lend them your car. rashly adverb: I rashly agreed to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English