napkin paper
Смотреть что такое "napkin paper" в других словарях:
Napkin paper — Салфеточная бумага … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
paper napkin — Napkin Nap kin, n. [Dim. of OF. nape a tablecloth, cloth, F. nappe, L. mappa. See {Napery}.] 1. A little towel, made of cloth or paper, esp. one for wiping the fingers and mouth at table. [1913 Webster] 2. A handkerchief. [Obs.] Shak. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Napkin — Nap kin, n. [Dim. of OF. nape a tablecloth, cloth, F. nappe, L. mappa. See {Napery}.] 1. A little towel, made of cloth or paper, esp. one for wiping the fingers and mouth at table. [1913 Webster] 2. A handkerchief. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Napkin pattern — Napkin Nap kin, n. [Dim. of OF. nape a tablecloth, cloth, F. nappe, L. mappa. See {Napery}.] 1. A little towel, made of cloth or paper, esp. one for wiping the fingers and mouth at table. [1913 Webster] 2. A handkerchief. [Obs.] Shak. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Napkin holder — A typical upright napkin holder Classification Kitchenware Types Vertical, horizontal. Plastic, metal. Used with Napkins Related … Wikipedia
napkin — [nap′kin] n. [ME nappekyn, dim. < OFr nappe, cloth, tablecloth < L mappa: see MAP] 1. a small piece of cloth or paper, usually square, used while eating for protecting the clothes and wiping the fingers or lips 2. any small cloth, towel,… … English World dictionary
napkin — ► NOUN 1) a square piece of cloth or paper used at a meal to wipe the fingers or lips and to protect garments. 2) Brit. dated a baby s nappy. ORIGIN from Old French nappe tablecloth + KIN(Cf. ↑ kin) … English terms dictionary
Napkin — For other uses, see Napkin (disambiguation). Folded napkin A napkin, or face towel (also in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia: serviette) is a rectangle of cloth used at the table for wiping the mouth while eating. It is usually small and… … Wikipedia
Napkin folding problem — The napkin folding problem in geometry explores whether folding a square or a rectangular napkin can increase its perimeter. The problem is known under several names, including the Margulis napkin problem, suggesting it is due to Grigory Margulis … Wikipedia
Napkin PC — The Napkin PC is an idea for a next generation personal computer that was entered by Avery Holleman into the 2009 Next Gen PC Design Competition and won first prize, the Chairman s Award. The award was personally awarded by Microsoft Founder,… … Wikipedia
napkin — n. 1) to fold a napkin 2) to tuck a napkin (under one s chin) 3) a cocktail; dinner; linen; paper napkin * * * [ næpkɪn] dinner linen paper napkin a cocktail to fold a napkin to tuck a napkin (under one s chin) … Combinatory dictionary