naphthenic acid
Смотреть что такое "naphthenic acid" в других словарях:
Naphthenic acid — Example of a naphthenic acid Naphthenic acid (CAS: 1338 24 5 ) is the name for an unspecific mixture of several cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl carboxylic acids with molecular weight of 120 to well over 700 atomic mass units. The … Wikipedia
naphthenic acid — noun any carboxylic acid derived from a naphthene … Wiktionary
naphthenic acid — noun : any of numerous chiefly monocarboxylic acids derived from naphthenes and obtained from naphthene base and asphalt base petroleums; usually : a commercial viscous liquid mixture of such acids used especially in the form of salts (as copper… … Useful english dictionary
Naphthenic oil — is a type of mineral oil. In contrast with paraffinic oils, naphthenic oils contain only low to no proportion of n alkanes, being based on cycloalkanes (naphthenes) instead. The low temperature behavior of naphthenic oils is better than of… … Wikipedia
naphthenic — adj. of a naphthene or its radical. Phrases and idioms: naphthenic acid any carboxylic acid resulting from the refining of petroleum … Useful english dictionary
Total Acid Number — The Total Acid Number is the amount of potassium hydroxide in milligrams that is needed to neutralize the acids in one gram of oil. It is an important quality measurement of crude oil. The TAN value indicates to the crude oil refinery the… … Wikipedia
2-Ethylhexanoic acid — Chembox new ImageFile = 2 EtHex oic.png IUPACName = 2 Ethylhexanoic acid OtherNames = 2 Ethylcaproic acid, 3 heptanecarboxylic acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 149 57 5 PubChem = SMILES = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula C8H16O2… … Wikipedia
Naphtha — Not to be confused with naphthalene, a solid benzene derivative which is the main ingredient in mothballs. Naphtha ( /ˈn … Wikipedia
Naphthenate — Naphthenates are the salts of naphthenic acids, which are an acidic fraction from petroleum processing, and which are composed of a mixture of organic acids, especially cycloalkyl carboxylic acids.Naphthenic acid and its salts have industrial… … Wikipedia
napalm — [20] Napalm, a jelly like substance, is made by thickening petrol with the aluminium salts of naphthenic acid and palmitic acid, and the term napalm was coined in the early 1940s from the first syllables of naphthenic and palmitic (the former is… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
napalm — [20] Napalm, a jelly like substance, is made by thickening petrol with the aluminium salts of naphthenic acid and palmitic acid, and the term napalm was coined in the early 1940s from the first syllables of naphthenic and palmitic (the former is… … Word origins