Смотреть что такое "naphthalize" в других словарях:
Naphthalize — Naph tha*lize, v. t. (Chem.) To mingle, saturate, or impregnate, with naphtha. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
naphthalize — /naf theuh luyz , nap /, v.t., naphthalized, naphthalizing. to mix or saturate with naphtha. Also, esp. Brit., naphthalise. [1835 45; NAPHTHAL(ENE) + IZE] * * * … Universalium
naphthalize — /naf theuh luyz , nap /, v.t., naphthalized, naphthalizing. to mix or saturate with naphtha. Also, esp. Brit., naphthalise. [1835 45; NAPHTHAL(ENE) + IZE] … Useful english dictionary