Смотреть что такое "nannofossil" в других словарях:
Nannofossil — REM Aufnahme eines Coccolithen von Coccolithus pelagicus aus einem Sedimentbohrkern des Deep Sea Drilling Projects … Deutsch Wikipedia
nannofossil — /nan euh fos euhl/, n. any fossil so small that it is near or below the limit of resolution of a light microscope. [1965 70; NANNO + FOSSIL] * * * … Universalium
nannofossil — nan·no·fossil … English syllables
nannofossil — ¦nanōˌ noun Etymology: nann + fossil : a fossil of nannoplankton … Useful english dictionary
Liste der Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points — Karte mit allen Koordinaten: OSM, Google oder … Deutsch Wikipedia
Early Pleistocene — (also known as Lower Pleistocene, or Calabrian) is a subdivision of the Pleistocene Epoch of the Geologic time scale. The beginning of the stage is defined at 1.806 ± 0.005 Ma (million years ago). The end of the stage is defined by the last… … Wikipedia
Serravallium — System Serie Stufe ≈ Alter (mya) höher höher höher jünger Neogen Pliozän Piacenzium 3,6–2,5 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Messinian Stage — ▪ paleontology uppermost division of Miocene (Miocene Epoch) rocks, representing all rocks deposited worldwide during the Messinian Age (7.2 million to 5.3 million years ago) of the Neogene Period (the past 23 million years). The Messinian… … Universalium
Tortonian Stage — ▪ paleontology division of middle Miocene (Miocene Epoch) rocks, representing all rocks deposited worldwide during the Tortonian Age (11.6 million to 7.2 million years ago) of the Neogene Period (the past 23 million years). The stage is… … Universalium
Nannoconus — Nannoconus … Wikipédia en Français
Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum — The Paleocene/Eocene boundary, Ma|eocene, was marked by the most rapid and significant climatic disturbance of the Cenozoic Era. A sudden global warming event, leading to the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, alternatively nowrap| Eocene… … Wikipedia