- nanism
- ˈnænɪzm сущ. нанизм (карликовый рост) (биология) нанизм, карликовость nanism нанизм, карликовый рост
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
nanism — NANÍSM s.n. 1. Anomalie caracterizată prin creştere insuficientă în înălţime raportată la media vârstei şi a speciei sau a rasei respective. 2. Încetinire sau oprire a creşterii plantelor ca rezultat al unor condiţii nefavorabile sau al acţiunii… … Dicționar Român
Nanism — Na nism (n[=a] n[i^]z m; n[a^]n [i^]z m), n. [Gr. na^nos + ism: cf. F. nanisme.] The condition of being abnormally small in stature; dwarfism; dwarfishness; opposed to {gigantism}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nanism — žemaūgiškumas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Žemas kurios nors augalų rūšies individų ūgis, kai jie nepasiekia normalaus tai rūšiai būdingo aukščio. atitikmenys: angl. nanism rus. нанизм ryšiai: sinonimas – nanizmas … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
nanism — n. [Gr. nanos, dwarf] Dwarfishness; nanoid adj … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
nanism — /nay niz euhm, nan iz /, n. Med. the condition of being unusually or abnormally small in size or stature; dwarfism. [1855 60; < F nanisme, equiv. to Gk nân(os) dwarf + F isme ISM] * * * … Universalium
nanism — noun Unusually small size, as a result of a developmental abnormality Syn: dwarfism, microsomia … Wiktionary
Nanism — Once known as dwarfism, this condition is now correctly called short stature. * * * Obsolete term for dwarfism. [G. nanos; L. nanus, dwarf] mulibrey n. (mu′li bra) autosomal recessive disorder with defects of liver, brain, muscle, and eyes. [from … Medical dictionary
nanísm — s. n … Romanian orthography
nanism — n. condition of being abnormally small in size or stature, dwarfism (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
nanism — na·nism … English syllables
nanism — The condition of being dwarfed, usually applied to plants or animals … Grandiloquent dictionary