naked promise

naked promise
обязанность, принятая без встречного удовлетворения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "naked promise" в других словарях:

  • naked promise — see promise Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • promise — prom·ise n: a declaration or manifestation esp. in a contract of an intention to act or refrain from acting in a specified way that gives the party to whom it is made a right to expect its fulfillment aleatory promise: a promise (as to compensate …   Law dictionary

  • naked — na·ked adj 1: characterized by the lack of an interest or of exclusive control, use, or possession 2: not backed by the option writer s ownership of the commodity, the contract for the commodity, or the security Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of… …   Law dictionary

  • promise — A declaration which binds the person who makes it, either in honor, conscience, or law, to do or forbear a certain specific act, and which gives to the person to whom made a right to expect or claim the performance of some particular thing. A… …   Black's law dictionary

  • naked — nakedly, adv. nakedness, n. /nay kid/, adj. 1. being without clothing or covering; nude: naked children swimming in the lake. 2. without adequate clothing: a naked little beggar. 3. bare of any covering, overlying matter, vegetation, foliage, or… …   Universalium

  • naked — Bare; wanting in necessary conditions; incomplete, as a naked contract (nudum pactum), i.e., a contract devoid of consideration, and therefore invalid; or, simple, unilateral, comprising but a single element, as a naked authority, i.e., one which …   Black's law dictionary

  • naked — Bare; wanting in necessary conditions; incomplete, as a naked contract (nudum pactum), i.e., a contract devoid of consideration, and therefore invalid; or, simple, unilateral, comprising but a single element, as a naked authority, i.e., one which …   Black's law dictionary

  • naked — na•ked [[t]ˈneɪ kɪd[/t]] adj. 1) being without clothing or covering; nude 2) without adequate clothing 3) bare of vegetation, foliage, or the like 4) without the customary covering: a naked sword[/ex] 5) without furnishings, as rooms or walls 6)… …   From formal English to slang

  • naked contract — From the Latin term nudum pactum, or bare promise An agreement between two parties that is without any legal effect because no consideration has been exchanged between the parties. A naked contract is unenforceable. Dictionary from West s… …   Law dictionary

  • Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult — Theatrical release poster Directed by Peter Segal Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • naked option — see option 3 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. naked option …   Law dictionary

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