naked option
Смотреть что такое "naked option" в других словарях:
naked option — see option 3 Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. naked option … Law dictionary
Naked Option — A trading position where the seller of an option contract does not own any, or enough, of the underlying security to act as protection against adverse price movements. If the price of the underlying security moves against the trader, who does not … Investment dictionary
naked option — An opportunity to buy shares (at a fixed price) in which the seller of the option does not already own the shares. The seller hopes to buy back the option before it is exercised and so avoid having to supply the shares. If the buyer wants to… … Business law dictionary
naked option — noun a put or call option for which the seller or buyer has no underlying security position • Hypernyms: ↑option … Useful english dictionary
naked option strategies — An unhedged strategy making exclusive use of one of the following: short call strategy (selling or writing call options), and short put strategy (selling or writing put options). By themselves, these positions are called naked strategies because… … Financial and business terms
Naked option strategies — An unhedged strategy making exclusive use of one of the following: Long call strategy (buying call options ), short call strategy (selling or writing call options), Long put strategy (buying put options ), and short put strategy (selling or… … Financial and business terms
naked option position — An open options contract that is not covered by an offsetting position in the underlying futures commodity or by another options contract against which it can be spread. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
option — op·tion 1 / äp shən/ n 1: the power or right to choose; also: a choice made or available 2: a privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract on any day within a specified time 3: a contract conveying in exchange for the payment of a premium a… … Law dictionary
naked — Bare; wanting in necessary conditions; incomplete, as a naked contract (nudum pactum), i.e., a contract devoid of consideration, and therefore invalid; or, simple, unilateral, comprising but a single element, as a naked authority, i.e., one which … Black's law dictionary
naked — Bare; wanting in necessary conditions; incomplete, as a naked contract (nudum pactum), i.e., a contract devoid of consideration, and therefore invalid; or, simple, unilateral, comprising but a single element, as a naked authority, i.e., one which … Black's law dictionary
Naked Juice — Type Drinks Owner PepsiCo Country … Wikipedia