Смотреть что такое "nail-biting" в других словарях:
Nail biting — Classification and external resources Fingers of a nail biter. ICD 10 F98.8 (ILDS F98.810) … Wikipedia
nail-biting — nail biter, n. /nayl buy ting/, n. 1. the act or practice of biting one s fingernails, esp. as the result of anxiety or nervousness. 2. Informal. nervousness: The announcement that the trade agreement had been signed ended a week of nail biting… … Universalium
nail-biting — nail .biting adj [only before noun] extremely exciting because you do not know what is going to happen next ▪ The match went all the way to a nail biting finish. ▪ some nail biting moments near the end of the movie … Dictionary of contemporary English
nail-biting — n habitual biting at the fingernails usu. being symptomatic of emotional tensions and frustrations called also onychophagia, onychophagy … Medical dictionary
nail-biting — nail bit|ing [ neıl ,baıtıŋ ] adjective a nail biting situation makes you very excited or worried … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
nail-biting — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ causing great anxiety or tension … English terms dictionary
nail-biting — [nāl′bīt΄iŋ] adj. causing tension or anxiety … English World dictionary
nail-biting — 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe something such as a story or a sports match as nail biting, you mean that it makes you feel very excited or nervous because you do not know how it is going to end. ...England s magnificent nail biting 75 71 win over… … English dictionary
nail-biting — adjective (of a situation) characterized by or causing suspense • Syn: ↑cliff hanging, ↑suspenseful, ↑suspensive • Similar to: ↑tense * * * ˈnail biting [nail biting] … Useful english dictionary
nail-biting — a nail biting event or period of time makes you feel very nervous, usually because you are waiting for something important to happen. The teams were very evenly matched and played a close game right up to the nail biting finish. (always before… … New idioms dictionary
nail-biting — adj. Nail biting is used with these nouns: ↑finish, ↑suspense, ↑wait … Collocations dictionary