nail nippers
Смотреть что такое "nail nippers" в других словарях:
nail — Synonyms and related words: Gibraltar, abduct, adamant, agonize, articulate, at once, attach, bag, batten, batten down, be correct, be precise, be right, biff, bolt, bone, brick, buckle, butt, button, cabbage, capture, carry off, catch, cement,… … Moby Thesaurus
Ceramic tile cutter — Ceramic tile cutters are used to cut tiles to a required size or shape. They come in a number of different forms, from basic manual devices to complex attachments for power tools. Contents 1 Hand tools 2 Tile nippers 3 Glass cutter 4 … Wikipedia
Horseshoe — For other uses, see Horseshoe (disambiguation). Modern horseshoes are most commonly made of steel and nailed into the hoof wall … Wikipedia
Glossary of nautical terms — This is a glossary of nautical terms; some remain current, many date from the 17th 19th century. See also Wiktionary s nautical terms, Category:Nautical terms, and Nautical metaphors in English. Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R … Wikipedia
tool — Synonyms and related words: Charlie McCarthy, Federal, T square, adz, agency, agent, aid, amanuensis, ancilla, apparatus, apple polisher, appliance, ass licker, auto, autolithograph, avenue, awl, ax, backscratcher, backslapper, baggage agent,… … Moby Thesaurus
Scissors — are hand operated cutting instruments consisting of a pair of metal blades connected in such a way that the blades meet and cut materials placed between them when the handles are brought together. They are used for cutting various thin materials … Wikipedia
Lead came and copper foil glasswork — This article is on the techniques of lead came and copper foil glasswork. For a general overview of stained glass art, see stained glass. A typical copper foil Tiffany lamp, with a jonquil daffodil design Lead came and copper foil glasswork are… … Wikipedia
hook — Synonyms and related words: L, Long Melford, abstract, acquitted, all the way, allure, anchor, anchorage, and, and sinker, angle, angle off, annex, apex, appropriate, arc, arch, argue into, articulate, backhand, backhander, backstroke, bag, bait … Moby Thesaurus
instrument — Synonyms and related words: Bourdon tube, Charlie McCarthy, Danish balance, Federal, Gramophone, Gyropilot, Mach meter, Roman balance, Teletype, Weightometer, X ray machine, absolute altimeter, accelerometer, adapt, aerial reconnaissance camera,… … Moby Thesaurus
palm — Synonyms and related words: Old Mug, abstract, acme, acquire, and, annex, appropriate, authority, authorization, bag, bays, be all and end all, blue ribbon, boost, borrow, catch up, championship, chaplet, civic crown, claim, clap hands on, clasp … Moby Thesaurus
instrumentality — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Means to an end Nouns 1. instrumentality; instrument, aid; subservience, subserviency; vehicle, hand, expedient (see plan); means, agency. 2. (means) stepping stone; [master or skeleton] key, latchkey,… … English dictionary for students