Смотреть что такое "mythicize" в других словарях:
mythicize — (Amer.) mɪθɪsaɪz v. create a myth; classify a myth; narrate a myth; interpret as a myth (also mythicise) … English contemporary dictionary
mythicize — [mith′ə sīz΄] vt. mythicized, mythicizing to make into, or explain as, a myth mythicizer n … English World dictionary
mythicize — transitive verb ( cized; cizing) Date: 1840 1. to turn into or envelop in myth 2. to treat as myth • mythicizer noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
mythicize — mythicization, n. mythicizer, n. /mith euh suyz /, v.t., mythicized, mythicizing. to turn into, treat, or explain as a myth. Also, esp. Brit., mythicise. [1830 40; MYTHIC + IZE] * * * … Universalium
mythicize — verb a) To make something into a myth b) To interpret something in terms of mythology … Wiktionary
mythicize — Synonyms and related words: allegorize, fable, fabulize, fictionalize, mythify, mythologize, narrate, novelize, recite, recount, rehearse, relate, report, retell, romance, storify, tell, tell a story, unfold a tale … Moby Thesaurus
mythicize — or mythicise verb make the subject of a myth or myths. Derivatives mythicism noun mythicist noun … English new terms dictionary
mythicize — myth·i·cize … English syllables
mythicize — myth•i•cize [[t]ˈmɪθ əˌsaɪz[/t]] v. t. cized, ciz•ing myt to turn into or explain as a myth • Etymology: 1830–40 myth i•ci•za′tion, n. myth′i•ciz er, n … From formal English to slang
mythicize — (also ise) treat (a story etc.) as a myth; interpret mythically. Derivatives: mythicism n. mythicist n … Useful english dictionary
mythicized — mythicize (Amer.) mɪθɪsaɪz v. create a myth; classify a myth; narrate a myth; interpret as a myth (also mythicise) … English contemporary dictionary