Смотреть что такое "mydriatic" в других словарях:
Mydriatic — Myd ri*at ic, a. Causing dilatation of the pupil. n. A mydriatic medicine or agent, as belladonna. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mydriatic — [mid΄rē at′ik] adj. of or causing mydriasis n. any drug causing mydriasis … English World dictionary
mydriatic — /mid ree at ik/, adj. 1. pertaining to or producing mydriasis. n. 2. a mydriatic drug. [1850 55; MYDRIA(SIS) + TIC] * * * … Universalium
mydriatic — 1. Causing mydriasis or dilation of the pupil. 2. An agent that dilates the pupil. * * * myd·ri·at·ic .mid rē at ik adj causing or involving dilation of the pupil of the eye mydriatic n a drug that produces dilation of the pupil of the eye * * *… … Medical dictionary
mydriatic — myd•ri•at•ic [[t]ˌmɪd riˈæt ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) med pertaining to or producing mydriasis 2) pha a mydriatic drug • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
mydriatic — /mɪdriˈætɪk/ (say midree atik) adjective 1. relating to or producing mydriasis. –noun 2. a mydriatic drug …
mydriatic — noun a drug that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate; used to aid eye examinations • Syn: ↑mydriatic drug • Hypernyms: ↑drug • Hyponyms: ↑atropine … Useful english dictionary
mydriatic drug — noun a drug that causes the pupil of the eye to dilate; used to aid eye examinations • Syn: ↑mydriatic • Hypernyms: ↑drug • Hyponyms: ↑atropine … Useful english dictionary
mydriatic — adjective or noun see mydriasis … New Collegiate Dictionary
mydriatic — 1. adjective that dilates the pupils of the eyes 2. noun A drug having this effect See Also: mydriasis … Wiktionary
mydriatic — adj. pertaining to abnormal dilation of the pupil of the eye (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary