Смотреть что такое "myasthenia" в других словарях:
Myasthenia — is a medical term for muscle weakness. The term may also refer to: Medical conditions Myasthenia gravis Ocular myasthenia Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title … Wikipedia
myasthenia — (n.) muscular weakness, 1856, medical Latin; see MYO (Cf. myo ) + ASTHENIA (Cf. asthenia) … Etymology dictionary
myasthenia — [mī΄as thē′nē ə] [ModL: see MYO & ASTHENIA] muscular weakness or fatigue myasthenic [mī΄asthen′ik] adj … English World dictionary
myasthenia — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1856 muscular debility; also myasthenia gravis • myasthenic adjective or noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
myasthenia — noun Abnormal weakness of the muscles; but especially myasthenia gravis … Wiktionary
myasthenia — Muscular weakness. [G. mys, muscle, + astheneia, weakness] m. angiosclerotica SYN: intermittent claudication. m. gravis a disorder of neuromuscular transmission marked by fluctuating weakness and fatigue of certain … Medical dictionary
myasthenia — [ˌmʌɪəs θi:nɪə] (also myasthenia gravis grα:vɪs, gravɪs) noun a rare chronic autoimmune disease marked by muscular weakness without atrophy. Origin C19: mod. L., from Gk mus muscle + asthenia … English new terms dictionary
Myasthenia gravis — Classification and external resources Detailed view of a neuromuscular junction: 1. Axon 2. Sarcolemma 3. Synaptic vesicle 4. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor 5. Mitochondrion … Wikipedia
myasthenia gravis — myasthenia gra·vis grav əs, gräv n a disease characterized by progressive weakness and exhaustibility of voluntary muscles without atrophy or sensory disturbance and caused by an autoimmune attack on acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscular… … Medical dictionary
myasthenia gravis — [mī΄as thē′nē əgrā′vis] n. a disease of faulty nerve conduction characterized by myasthenia, esp. of the face and neck … English World dictionary
myasthenia grav|is — «GRAV ihs, GRAHV ; GRAY vihs», a disease that causes extreme weakness of the muscles, because of an interruption of nerve impulses traveling to the muscles, and related in some way to the functioning of the thymus gland … Useful english dictionary