Смотреть что такое "mutton-head" в других словарях:
mutton-head, you — An American rather than a British term, though British sheep are as stupid as their American counterparts. As a term of mild abuse for someone who is thought to be unintelligent, ‘mutton head’ has been in regular use since the beginning of the … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
mutton-head — /ˈmʌtn hɛd/ (say mutn hed) noun Colloquial a stupid or dull person …
mutton-head — Fool … A concise dictionary of English slang
mutton — n. 1 the flesh of sheep used for food. 2 joc. a sheep. Phrases and idioms: mutton bird Austral. 1 any bird of the genus Puffinus, esp. the short tailed shearwater, P. tenuirostris. 2 any of various petrels. mutton chop 1 a piece of mutton, usu.… … Useful english dictionary
Double or Mutton — Looney Tunes (Wolf and Sheepdog) series Title card from Double or Mutton Directed by … Wikipedia
Leg of mutton nude — Double Nude Portrait: The Artist and his Second Wife 1937 (also known as the leg of mutton nude portrait) is an oil on canvas painting by British artist Stanley Spencer. It depicts Spencer and his soon to be second wife, Patricia Preece, beside a … Wikipedia
leg-of-mutton sail — noun : a triangular sail with its apex at the masthead * * * leg of mutton sail, triangular sail with its head at the masthead, and not set on a gaff or yard … Useful english dictionary
Jul (Norway) — Jul or jol is the term used for the Christmas holiday season in Norway. Originally, “jul” (or “jol”) was the name of a month in the old Germanic calendar, corresponding roughly to the time from mid December through mid January, and the concept of … Wikipedia
moron — n 1. retardate, Sl. retard, slow learner, Euph. special or exceptional student; (all collectively) the mentally handicapped, the educable mentally retarded, EMR, the trainable mentally handicapped, TMR. 2.Informal. idiot, imbecile, mooncalf, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
George McManus — Snookums por George McManus (1912 1918). George McManus (San Luis, Missouri, 23 de enero de 1884 Santa Mónica, California, 22 de octubre de 1954) fue un destacado autor de historietas estadounidense, autor de la serie Bringing Up Father. Nacido… … Wikipedia Español
mutt — /mʌt / (say mut) noun Colloquial 1. a dog, especially a mongrel. 2. a simpleton; a stupid person: *See what you ve done, you mutt – you ve made me lose the boat! –eleanor dark, 1938. {origin uncertain; US English (early 1900s), shortened from… …