Смотреть что такое "musk-rat" в других словарях:
musk|rat — «MUHSK RAT», noun, plural rats or (collectively) rat. 1. a water animal of North America somewhat like a rat, but larger; water rat. It has webbed hind feet, a glossy coat, and a musky smell. In swamps and ponds it builds small houses from reeds… … Useful english dictionary
musk rat-kangaroo — /ˌmʌsk ræt kæŋgəˈru / (say .musk rat kangguh rooh) noun the smallest of the macropods, Hypsiprymnodon moschatus, of the north eastern coastal regions of Queensland, unique in having five toes on the hind foot. Also, musky rat kangaroo …
musk-rat — n. 1. Musquash, musk beaver (Ondatra zibethicus). 2. Desman, muscovy (Mygale moschata) … New dictionary of synonyms
musk·rat — … Useful english dictionary
musk-rat — … Useful english dictionary
musk — musk; musk·ish; musk·melon; musk·rat; abel·musk; … English syllables
The Musk-rat State — «ондатровый штат», «штат болотных крыс». Пренебрежительное прозвище штата Делавэр и его жителей (Musk rats). С одной стороны, здесь действительно раньше водились ондатры (болотные крысы), а с другой крошечные размеры территории штата дали повод… … Словарь топонимов США
musk beaver — Muskrat Musk rat , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A North American aquatic fur bearing rodent ({Ondatra zibethica} formerly {Fiber zibethicus}). It resembles a rat in color and having a long scaly tail, but the tail is compressed, the hind feet are webbed, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rat — acroc·e·rat·i·dae; ap·pa·rat; bac·ca·rat; be·rat; bo·rat·ed; bun·des·rat; ce·rat·ed; ce·rat·o·dus; cir·rat·u·lid; cir·rat·u·lus; cor·po·rat·ism; cor·po·rat·ist; cu·rat·age; cu·rat·ess; cu·rat·ic; de·rat; de·rat·i·za·tion; elab·o·rat·er;… … English syllables
Rat-tailed — (r[a^]t t[=a]ld ), a. (Zo[ o]l.) Having a long, tapering tail like that of a rat. [1913 Webster] {Rat tailed larva} (Zo[ o]l.), the larva of a fly of the genus Eristalis. See {Eristalis}. {Rat tailed serpent} (Zo[ o]l.), the fer de lance. {Rat… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rat-tailed larva — Rat tailed Rat tailed (r[a^]t t[=a]ld ), a. (Zo[ o]l.) Having a long, tapering tail like that of a rat. [1913 Webster] {Rat tailed larva} (Zo[ o]l.), the larva of a fly of the genus Eristalis. See {Eristalis}. {Rat tailed serpent} (Zo[ o]l.), the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English