Смотреть что такое "muscarine" в других словарях:
Muscarine — IUPAC n … Wikipedia
MUSCARINE — Alcaloïde, de formule brute C9H212N, que l’on trouve dans divers champignons supérieurs comme l’amanite tue mouches (Amanita muscaria ), l’amanite panthère (Amanita pantherina ) et les inocybes. Ces champignons poussent dans les régions tempérées … Encyclopédie Universelle
Muscarine — Structure de la muscarine Général Nom IUPAC [(2S,4R,5S) 4 hydroxy 5 méthyltétrahydrofuran 2 yl] N,N,N triméthylm … Wikipédia en Français
muscarine — [mus′kə rin, mus′kərēn΄] n. [< ModL (Amanita) muscaria, fly (agaric) < L muscarius, of flies < musca, a fly: see MIDGE] an extremely poisonous alkaloid, C9H21NO3, found in certain mushrooms, rotten fish, etc., that will seriously disrupt … English World dictionary
muscarine — noun Etymology: German Muskarin, from New Latin (Amanita) muscaria fly agaric Date: 1872 a toxic alkaloid base [C9H20NO2]+ that is biochemically related to acetylcholine, is found especially in fly agaric, and acts directly on smooth muscle … New Collegiate Dictionary
muscarine — Toxin (alkaloid) from the mushroom Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) that binds to (muscarinic) acetylcholine receptors … Dictionary of molecular biology
muscarine — /mus keuhr in, keuh reen /, n. Chem. a poisonous compound, C8H19NO3, found in certain mushrooms, esp. fly agaric, and in decaying fish. [1870 75; < L muscar(ius) of flies (musc(a) fly + arius ARY) + INE1] * * * … Universalium
muscarine — noun An extremely poisonous alkaloid, obtained from fly agaric, that disrupts the action of acetylcholine neurotransmitter … Wiktionary
muscarine — A toxin with neurologic effects, first isolated from Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) and also present in some species of Hebeloma and Inocybe. The quaternary trimethylammonium salt of 2 methyl 3 hydroxy 5 (aminomethyl)tetrahydrofuran, it is a… … Medical dictionary
muscarine — (entrée créée par le supplément) (mu ska ri n ) s. f. Terme de chimie. Alcaloïde trouvé dans l ammanita muscaria ou fausse oronge ; il est très vénéneux … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
muscarine — mÊŒskÉ™rɪËn , rɪn n. poisonous compound, alkaloid found in some kinds of mushrooms (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary