Mummery — may refer to: Performance of a Mummers Play. Albert F. Mummery (1855–1895), British mountaineer Browning Mummery (Opera tenor) (1888–1974), Australian operatic tenor Browning Mummery (Electronic sound works), stage name of Andrew Lonsdale (born… … Wikipedia
Mummery — Mum mer*y, n.; pl. {Mummeries}. [F. momerie, of Dutch or German origin. See {Mumm}.] 1. Masking; frolic in disguise; buffoonery. [1913 Webster] The mummery of foreign strollers. Fenton. [1913 Webster] 2. Farcical show; hypocritical disguise and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mummery — index parody Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
mummery — (n.) 1520s, performance of mumming, from O.Fr. mommerie, from momer (see MUMMER (Cf. mummer)). Transferred sense of ridiculous ceremony or ritual is from 1540s … Etymology dictionary
mummery — *gibberish, hocus pocus, abracadabra … New Dictionary of Synonyms
mummery — [mum′ər ē] n. pl. mummeries [MFr mommerie < OFr momer: see MUM2] Now Rare 1. performance by mummers 2. any display or ceremony regarded as pretentious or hypocritical … English World dictionary
Mummery — Albert Frederick Mummery (* 1855 in Dover, England; † vermutlich 24. August 1895 am Nanga Parbat) war ein englischer Alpinist und Autor. Mummery gelangen Allein und Erstbegehungen in Schwierigkeitsgraden, die zu seiner Zeit als unüberwindbar… … Deutsch Wikipedia
mummery — noun a) merrymaking; the performance of a mummer I say the sewer thought I was dressed to bear a part in the tregetour’s mummery, and so I got admission b) a ridiculous or ostentatious ceremony, especially of a religious nature Why, you unweaned… … Wiktionary
Mummery — This most interesting and unusual surname is of Norman French locational origins, and yet holds some of the earliest claims to nobility in England. It was first introduced by close companions of William the Conqueror at the invasion of 1066, and… … Surnames reference
Mummery Cliff — (80°27′S 21°23′W / 80.45°S 21.383°W / 80.45; 21.383) is a cliff rising to about 1,250 m to the southeast of Whymper Spur in the Pioneers Escarpment, Shackleton Range. In association with the names of p … Wikipedia
Mummery, Albert Frederick — ▪ British mountaineer born Sept. 10, 1855, Dover, Kent, Eng. died Aug. 24, 1895, western Kashmir, India English mountaineer who was the first to climb several Alpine peaks, including Dent du Requin, Col des Cortes, and Zmutt Ridge of the… … Universalium