Смотреть что такое "mumblety-peg" в других словарях:
Mumblety-peg — (also known as mumbley peg, mumblepeg, mumble the peg, mumbledepeg or mumble de peg) is an old outdoor game played by children using pocketknives.[1] The term Mumblety peg came from the practice of putting a peg of about 2 or 3 inches into the… … Wikipedia
Mumblety peg — Mumblety peg, also known as mumblepeg and mumble the peg, is an old game generally played between two people with the aid of a pocket knife. In one version of the game, two opponents stand opposite one another with their feet shoulder width apart … Wikipedia
mumblety-peg — (n.) boys knife throwing game, 1650s, originally mumble the peg (1620s), of unknown signification and origin … Etymology dictionary
Mumblety peg — Mumbledy peg Mum ble*dy peg , Mumblety peg Mum ble*ty peg , n. A game played with a pocketknife, the object of which is to throw the knife in any of a vairety of ways (such as over the back), or from various positions, and have it stick in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mumblety-peg — mum·ble·ty peg (mŭmʹbəl tē pĕg , blē pĕg ) also mum·ble the peg ( bəl thə ) n. A game in which players toss a jackknife in various prescribed ways, with the object being to make the blade stick firmly into the ground. [From the phrase mumble… … Universalium
mumblety-peg — also mumble the peg or mumble peg noun Etymology: from the phrase mumble the peg; from the loser s originally having to pull out with his teeth a peg driven into the ground Date: 1627 a game in which the players try to flip a knife from various… … New Collegiate Dictionary
mumblety-peg — /ˈmʌmbəlti pɛg/ (say mumbuhltee peg) noun a game in which a knife is thrown into the ground from various positions, failure to make the knife stick in the ground resulting in disqualification. Also, mumble the peg. {from the phrase mumble the peg …
mumblety-peg — [ mʌmb(ə)lti] noun chiefly US a game in which each player in turn throws a knife or pointed stick from a series of positions, continuing until it fails to stick in the ground. Origin C17: from mumble in sense 2, from the requirement of the game… … English new terms dictionary
mumblety-peg — mum·ble·ty peg … English syllables
mumblety-peg — noun a game in which players throw or flip a jackknife in various ways so that the knife sticks in the ground • Syn: ↑mumble the peg • Hypernyms: ↑child s game … Useful english dictionary
mumblety peg — noun /ˈmʌmb(ə)ltiˌpɛɡ/ Any of several forms of a game in which a jackknife is thrown so that it sticks into the ground close to the players feet. Others played mumbletypeg with rusty stolen jackknives, or simply drowsed in the sunlight, waking… … Wiktionary