multiversity — ☆ multiversity [mul΄tə vʉr′sə tē ] n. pl. multiversities [ MULTI + (UNI)VERSITY: coined in 1957 by Arthur Bestor (1908 94), U.S. historian] the modern large and complex university with its many colleges, schools, extensions, etc.,… … English World dictionary
multiversity — noun (plural ties) Etymology: multi + versity (as in university) Date: 1963 a very large university with many component schools, colleges, or divisions and widely diverse functions … New Collegiate Dictionary
multiversity — /mul ti verr si tee/, n., pl. multiversities. a university with several campuses, each of which has many schools, divisions, etc. [1960 65; MULTI + (UNI)VERSITY] * * * … Universalium
multiversity — mÊŒltɪ vÉœrsÉ™tɪ / vÉœËs n. large non central university having many campuses … English contemporary dictionary
multiversity — mul·ti·ver·si·ty … English syllables
multiversity — mul•ti•ver•si•ty [[t]ˌmʌl tɪˈvɜr sɪ ti[/t]] n. pl. ties a university with several campuses, each with many component schools, divisions, etc • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
multiversity — n. American, university with many campuses or attached institutions … Dictionary of difficult words
multiversity — A word newly coined for a university containing many schools, colleges, and departments, and attended by an overwhelming number of students … Ballentine's law dictionary
multiversity — n. (pl. ies) a large university with many different departments. Etymology: MULTI + UNIVERSITY … Useful english dictionary
Vijay P. Bhatkar — Vijay P Bhatkar Dr Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar (born 11 October 1946) is an IT computer scientist from India. He is best known as an architect of the PARAM series of Supercomputers, GIST multilingual technology and Education To Home [1] mission. He… … Wikipedia
Multiversidad — (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Entidad pedagógico cooperativa creada en 1982 y desarrollada programáticamente hasta 1987 por Miguel Grinberg, Leonardo Sacco y Fabricio Simonelli, acompañados por 200 lectores de la revista Mutantia. Estuvo basada en… … Wikipedia Español