Смотреть что такое "multistability" в других словарях:
Multistability — Ambiguous images Multistability is a system property. It refers to systems that are neither stable nor totally instable, but that alternates between two or more mutually exclusive states over time. In vision science, multistable perception… … Wikipedia
multistability — noun The condition of being multistable … Wiktionary
Gestalt psychology — (also Gestalt of the Berlin School) is a theory of mind and brain that proposes that the operational principle of the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self organizing tendencies; or, that the whole is different than the sum of its… … Wikipedia
Multistable perception — Examples of visually ambiguous patterns. Multistable perceptual phenomena are a form of perceptual phenomena in which there are unpredictable sequences of spontaneous subjective changes. While usually associated with visual perception, such… … Wikipedia
Peter Kruse — (2008) Peter Kruse (* 30. Januar 1955 in Osnabrück) ist ein deutscher Psychologe[1] und Unternehmensberater. Kruse lehrt als Honorarprofessor für Allgemeine und Organisationspsychologie an der Universität Bremen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nonlinear system — Not to be confused with Non linear editing system. This article describes the use of the term nonlinearity in mathematics. For other meanings, see nonlinearity (disambiguation). In mathematics, a nonlinear system is one that does not satisfy the… … Wikipedia
multistable — adjective Having multiple states of stability (or instability) See Also: multistability … Wiktionary
Dehaene-Changeux Model — The Dehaene Changeux Model (DCM), also known as the Global Neuronal Workspace or the Global Cognitive Workspace Model is a part of Bernard Baars s global workspace model for consciousness. It is a computer model of the neural correlates of… … Wikipedia
Nonlinear metamaterials — A nonlinear metamaterial is an artificially constructed material that can exhibit properties not found in nature. Its response to electromagnetic radiation can be characterized by its permittivity and material permeability. The product of the… … Wikipedia